-Chapter 20

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"I feel like I'm sending you off to fight in the war" Jo tries to lighten up my mood as she hands me my arrow and bow.

"Remember if I'm not back in an by sunset SEND HELP" I tell her she nods.

"GO GET YOUR MAN" she says and I laugh. I wave goodbye and jump out my window.

I land on my feet and Haymich is there with 3 horses.

"I still think this is the stupidest idea you ever had" Haymich rolls his eyes, "but an admirable one. Lets go"

I smile and get on the horse.

"Lead the way" I tell Haymich he nods and I follow him.

We don't talk at all, I don't necessarily have a plan all I know that in the end I'm going to happy Peeta safe, the steps to get there will be an adventure.

"Alright it's the chruch over there" Haymich and I stop about a mile away from the church.

"How many man am I dealing here with?" I ask, just to be prepared.

"8" Haymich answers and I look at him dissapointed.

"I gave you an army and you couldn't take down 8 men" I get angry.

"Try also 10 cannons" Haymich rolls his eyes, "plus explosive all around Peeta"

"Alright point taken" I sigh in defeat.

I get off the horse and we begin walking to the back of the church carefully without being seen.

"So what's the plan?" Haymich asks as we are in the back of the church.

"Rescue Peeta" I say and he shakes hus head.

"I mean what are the steps to get there?" He says.

"I don't know" I says.

"Yeah we are fucked" He says rolling his eyes.

I begin to realize that this wasn't the smartest idea. It's dark, we are only armed with arrows and 2 swords, they have cannons and exposives plus 10 men while it's just me and Haymich.

I look around for a sign or something when suddenly I see a latter.

"Follow me" I say and Haymich nods, I approach the latter carefully making sure it's secure and can hold our weight.

"It's safe" I say and begin climing.

"I'm not even going to express how bad of an idea this is" Haymich climbs too.

"Be quiet" I shush him, after getting on the latter I realize we are in the ceiling of the church.

We stood there on the ceiling until I saw windows well broken windows.

I headed over there with Haymich behind me, I got on the floor to look down on the church. The had candels in there so I could see what was happening.

5 men were sitting on a table laughing, the echos made my blood boil.

3 of the men were guarding the entrence.

2 of the man were watching Peeta. Oh Peeta! He was tied up and bloody with a cloth over his mouth.

It made me so angry. That's when the plan hit me.

I stood up slowly and counted the windows. There was 5, one close to the exit, one near Peeta and 2 above the men in the table.

"Alright I have a plan" I tell Haymich.

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