-Chapter 8

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Katniss POV

"Thank you so much for the tea Cato, it was lovely, unfortunately I have a meeting with my advisors right about now" I tell Cato as I set my napkin in the table. Cato nods, he gets up kisses my hand and walks away.

I get up and start making my way to the stables, I didn't really have a meeting but things were getting awkward. I enjoy the Mellarks company but not when they are trying to court me.

I grab my bow and arrow and head to the forest near my house. I like to hunt for the kitchen, they use what ever I bring them to make our meals.

Soon I find myself at a lake, its quite beautiful. I spot out of the corner of my eye a deer, I get my bow ready, I concentrate and shot. It falls. I then spot two birds on top of a tree, carefully and silently I approach them ready to shot but some very loud footsteps scare them away.

I let down my bow.

"Sorry I didn't realize you were here. I heard a noise and I came to see what it was" Peeta appears and stands next to me.

"Yeah it's just me, I was trying to hunt for the kitchen but their gone now" I smile at him.

"Did I scare them away? I'm so sorry" Peeta sounds so sorry.

"It's fine, there is plenty of animals. So what are you doing here?" I ask him, he takes my hand and starts guiding me to the other side of the river.

"I was taking a walk yesterday when I ran into this beautiful lake, I loved it so much that today in the morning I bought my art supplies to paint the scenery" We sit down on a blanket and he shows me his painting.

I gasp, "Peeta this is so mesmerizing, I don't know what's more beautiful the actual lake or the painting!"

Peeta laughs at my excitement, "thank you, I'm not quite done finishing it though"

"Well can I stay here and watch you finish it?" Peeta nods.

I had forgotten how good Peeta was at anything artistic.

I take a look around my surroundings and I notice some berries in a plate, along with some beautiful sunflowers.

The berries look weird though, I pick one up and look at it closer.

"Peeta you didn't eat any of this right?" I ask him and point to the berries.

"No, I was actually going to take them to you, one of your ladies told me you liked berries" I smile.

"Thank you so much for the gesture and I would love to eat them unfortunately they are poisonous" I am going to educate them on plants.

"Oh my lord! I'm so sorry, I didn't know. How do you know?" He again looks so sorry and he shakes his head in disappointment.

"Hunting knowledge my father taught me as a kid, don't worry about it though. I'll have the guards remove the bush later today" I smile at him and he smiles back.

"What about the flowers are they poisonous to?" He asks.

"Peeta their sunflowers" and we both laugh. Peeta reaches for the flowers and places them in my hand.

"Those are for you too" he stares into my eyes, he is also a couple of inches away from my face.

"Thank you Peeta they are beautiful" I place a kiss on his cheek.

"Katniss I know this is very forward of me, and I would never do something you wouldn't want me to but can I kiss you?" Peeta looks down at his lap nervous. I raise his chin.

"I wouldn't oppose that" and soon he has his hand on my cheek and only the forest knows of our first kiss.


just some cutesy everlark for yall.

lol, love yall.

please comment, and vote if youll like, im off to fanfiction.net to read a fanfic lol.

fineness is a way to kill ✨

-esme x.

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