Let's Clean This Up

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What Do You Mean? A Cliche Love Story Chapter 26

Levi's P.O.V

I wanted nothing more than to turn back and go home. But I needed to solve this, I had to figure out if I was right, if Alanna was a murderer. I had a hunch, from the bullying to her parents leaving, she was lonely.

Not only lonely but lost, she was gripping the last sheet of sanity she had and she was slipping. Slipping into the pit of insanity and I had to stop her before she killed anyone else. Before she took another life.

And that's why she was sitting beside me, in the car. Her smile touched her eyes as she spoke. She was taking me to this special place, somewhere important to her. Her lair, or operations, most likely. I drove to the end of the block Alanna's hand in mine. We exit the car as she walks in front of me.

Her hair drifted in the wind as she guides me towards the end of the woods. The air smelled of trees and burnt paper. There was a shed at the edge of the lake. Its image casts a dark shadow over the grass as we walked toward it.

She pauses looking over her shoulder at me and I give her a smile. The best one I could muster in a situation like this. Alanna turns back around and opens the entrance to the shed. The door creeks open and I eerily step in behind her. The room is dark and Alanna let's go of my hand to pull a switch for a light. How she was able to get power in the woods bewildered me. My question is answered as I step over an extension cord that traveled to the outside of the shed.

My eyes adjust as I see jars littering every part of the room. They were placed neatly on wooden shelves a blue fluid encasing them. Alanna picks one up and shakes it, and small balls dance around before she sighs. She places the sealed jar down and the balls move. Except when they stop moving I can see that they are not balls at all, but rather eyes. They were staring back at me and before I could try to inch towards the exit something hard hits me and I black out.

The smell of burning bodies stings my nose as my eyes flutter open. The room is illuminated by the dim light and the door is shut. I try to move toward it but my arms are tied to a chair.

I sit back in frustration.

How the hëļĺ was I going to get out of here? I should have called for back up or told someone where I was going, but instead, I walked into this situation blind. I scan the room looking for something to help free me but all I find are the eyeballs staring back at me.

Alanna walks in a pained smile on her face. She sits a pair of scissors down before she speaks.

"You know all those years I was staying with my aunt she was really teaching me." Her eyes twinkle with memories as she speaks. Alanna's aunt was crazy and everyone knew it, after three years of violence and even murders she was on trial. Just a few months ago Alanna was talking about how she had gotten cancer, however, the jury won't be taking that into consideration.

"She was constantly demonstrating ways to get away with things. To get rid of things." Alanna peers over at me.

"My childhood is something no one should have to go through. They shouldn't have to face the pain I had to. It isn't fair." I nod, understanding where she was coming from. My mind flashes back to me trying to figure out how to help my mother with bills at twelve years old. Trying to find ways to support her and be a man when I was only a child. And in all honesty, it sucks.

She grabs a kit and opens it revealing knives varying in lengths. "Kids would tease me because my aunt Lynn was crazy. I was labeled unstable and in need of help." She laughs but it holds no humor. Her eyes hold something cold in them, they were no longer their dark brown but a black. A pit swirling with no remorse, no emotions.

"I wanted people to know how I felt, to see my pain." She whispers.

I clear my throat. "So you started finding people who came from rough backgrounds who understood and knew what you went through." I think about Morgain, Jeon and Derek, just three people who suffered for her own gain. And there were probably more. Many more. 

"You started out small, only letting some people understand you but then they began to figure out how sick you are and refused to join. So you murdered them just like Sonjai." I say my voice even. My palms were sweaty as I looked for a means of escape.

Alanna grimaces, "Sonjai was an accident. She was so sweet but she got too nosey trying to understand me. She followed me the night before homecoming and found my shed so I had to kill her. Bill made an anonymous tip that you committed the crime and wallah." 

Her eyebrows scrunch up as she walks toward me, a knife in her hand. "But then I met you at the diner and I saw that you weren't just this bully who cared about himself. I regretted setting you up and so I had Austin take the fall instead."

I raise my brow, "your own cousin?"

She shrugs, "he was willing to do it." She sits on my lap and caresses my cheek. "I fell in love with you and I couldn't give you up, even if I was still mad about you picking on me." 

Her soft breaths fall on my lips as she dips her head, taking my lips in hers, I kiss her back. This kiss was different from the others, I could sense who Alanna really was, a lunatic. She reaches her arms behind the chair, still holding the knife. I feel the blade at my wrist, its cold breath scaring my skin. And then my ropes are cut.

She pulls back, "Sorry, I had to make sure I explained myself before you acted out irrationally." Her small frame still sat on me, and I picked her up before placing her on the table, entangling our lips once more. I grab her cheeks in my palms, pulling her closer to me.  My body stood in between her legs as I bend to deepen the kiss.

I take my phone out of my pocket carefully as I hold it behind her back. I silently attach the audio file as I held her body close.

I smirk at her, "Baby, I'm only irrational around you." I say before hitting send on my phone.


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