A Choice To Swallow

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What Do You Mean, A Cliche Love Story Chapter 27

Third Person

One hand held a letter that read, "Congratulations Raevyn Conner you have been accepted into University of Charleston!"

But in the other hand, she held a letter that read, "Congratulations Raevyn Conner you have been accepted into the University of Chicago!"

As she read the letters repeatedly she knew that she held two possible futures in her hand, one that kept her close to the people she loved and the other that created miles between them and her. She had two choices, something seemingly easy to choose from, but the choice was the second hardest thing she had to choose.

The first was how she was going to deal with her emotions about Levi Delrosario. Her heart tugged through her chest just thinking about him. It had been a few weeks, close to a month since she confronted him about Alanna. As she sat at her desk that was planted in the corner of her Grandmother's room she thought back to that day. How after she walked away from him, she didn't stop walking until she made it to Stony's house. How she knocked on her door lightly, weak from the three-mile walk she just completed.

As soon as Sony opened her door and she ushered her in, Raevyn crumbled, from exhaust and heartache. She broke as she told Stony what happened. Of course afterward Stony called Quincy who announced that he would pummel Levi into the ground. As she spoke with her brother on the phone Raevyn admired their relationship, how they were solid. Depending on each other and never letting dishonesty tear them apart. 

Levi and her relationship were just starting out and already he was cementing it with lies. After Stony got off the phone she comforted Raevyn for hours, ensuring she had what she needed. Raevyn smiled as she remembered Stony promising that she would kick Levi where the sun didn't shine as soon as she saw him.

Raevyn shuffled the papers under the pile of work she was planning on accomplishing over the next few days, finals were approaching and she was turning in as much work as she could to get her grades in tip-top shape.

 She grabbed her phone as it vibrated with a text from an unsaved number. She unlocked her device as the message popped up as a green bubble encasing the message. 

It read, Sure I'm free before seventh.

She stood from her desk and slid on a pair of sweats and a Marvel t-shirt before grabbing her backpack and walking out her front door, towards her school.


Six hours later, the last hour of the school day,  Raevyn stood at the end of the hall waiting for the person to come. She texted Stony where she was before stuffing the phone in her pocket. She had already handed her paper to her teacher, in order to skip the class and avoid Levi in the process.

As the girl came into her view, Raevyn waved. Alanna West stood a few feet away from her as she looked around the school.

     "Hey." Her voice was quiet as she looked over Raevyn. Her hair was still cut in the short angled bob, her brown hair was lighter but her eyes were still empty. The photos that littered her Instagram page popped into Raevyn's brain. The one with Levi's arm slung around Alanna's shoulders as he kissed her on her head and she laughed was etched into her mind. Even now as she looked at Alanna she still remembered how hurt she felt.

    "I just wanted to clear the air," Raevyn said, pausing to clear her throat, while she searched for the right words without losing her heart in the process. "I didn't know that Levi was with you. I would not have gone on a date with him if I had known." She stated her voice even, even though she was the opposite of steady. A few people were shuffling through the hallways, some departing, and others preparing for their next activities at their lockers.

  Alanna's eyes stayed on Raevyn as she nodded. "But I asked you at homecoming if you guys were a thing." She said slowly, "and you said no, and then you went out with Duncan."

Raevyn nodded, "Yeah but back then I didn't like him, I couldn't stand the sight of him." She took a deep breath, "but then Noah left, and Levi changed. He told me he had feelings for me, and I, like an idiot believed him." A tear rolled down her cheek but she brushed it away quickly. She did not need to get sentimental, especially not in front of Alanna.

Raevyn sighed, "I didn't know, or I would not have gone out with him. And if I had known that I would have developed feelings for him then I would have told you when you asked."

She looked at Alanna, "I didn't know." She finished. She had asked Alanna to meet her, not to ask for her forgiveness but rather to explain her actions, to explain that she wouldn't have gone out with a man who was taken.

Alanna looked her over for a few seconds before nodding. "It's okay," Alanna stated her mouth perked into a smirk as Raevyn nodded waiting a beat before turning towards her awaiting friends. The bell rang signaling the end of the day, and students rushed out of their classrooms, gathering with their own friends.

And maybe it was the fact that Alanna felt she was winning for once in her life, or perhaps it was the fact that she envied Raevyn, for stealing her man. Whatever it was it grabbed her and emboldened her to raise her voice and state, "clearly Levi chose who he really loved, seeing he isn't with you." 

Raevyn's back was to her, she was looking at her friends who like all the people in the hall stopped their conversation to listen to hers.

There that word was again, choice. It rang like a liberty bell signaling two choices that Raevyn had. She could keep walking and ignore Alanna or she could stand up for herself.

 Raevyn's eyes furrowed as she chose the latter, "I would not go that far, he was only with you for sex, something he can get from any girl. So please honey do not do too much." Raevyn stated plainly.  "Now I apologized which was the only thing God put on my heart to do, you and Levi can enjoy the rest of your life together. I Do Not Care."

Alanna's eyebrows crinkled as she watched Raevyn turn and walk down the hall. Her classmates resumed their conversations, now about her, as she silently felt anger boil inside of her.

Resentment left a nasty taste in her mouth as she thought of all the ways she would make Raevyn pay for her comment. She would not chose to let this go, she'd do whatever it took to make sure Raevyn did not get in her way of being with Levi, because she knew people and she definitely knew when people still had feeling for someone. And the only way those feelings were gone was if that person was dead.



There are like 3 or 4 more chapters left before I wrap this up.

I hope you are all holding up during these tough times.

I love y'all
God bless

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