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I was tagged by the wonderful sainthvrry. I have never been tagged before so this is my first time. I changed the questions a bit. I'm above ik not the best pic, but whatever.

1. My First name: Selleannia (Sell-lee-knee-uh)

2. Where are you from/Ethnicity:
I'm from Illinois. I'm Black and a little native American. Mainly black.

3. Amusement Park or water park?:
Waterpark! I love the water. I'm a swimmer.

4. Any Art skills? (Not only drawing!):
I do draw, I sing if that's an art. And I'm learning the bass, and piano.

5. Favorite song currently? History 1D
Write on me 5th Harmony and When we were young by Adele

6. Any thoughts on Zayn Malik? I loveee him! Husband #10

7. Do you want kids, if so how many?:
I want 6 kids. I grew up with a big family, so I want one as well.

8. Do you speak any other languages?
Spanish, not fluently. I've taken it for 4 years.

10. Favorite food? When I wasn't on the v-team. Orange chicken (Chinese food period) and pizza. Now it's beefless pork bites and vegan mushroom burgers. So good.

11. Longest time gone without internet: I didn't get a phone till I was 14 so I've gone without it.

12. 7 celebrities to have dinner with:
Henry Cavill, Ezra Miller(of course) Stephen and Robbie Amell, Precious Lee, Tom hiddleston, Grant Gustin.

13. What's your embarrassing nickname? My dad calls me Muk Muk. (Mook mook) But I don't mind.

14. Who is your favorite person?
I have many.
God even though he is a spirt so Jesus
My baby sister
My parents
and my grandmother
Friends too.

15 Favorite singers: So difficult. Currently obsessed over Casting Crowns, Nick Jonas, 5sos, JB, Adele, Newsboys. Etc

16. What do you do when you are sad/mad? Sometimes I cry, watch youtube and Netflix, write, read, or cook.
I nominate

LyricalHeart (you better do it)






Please do it you guys.
Lots of love ❤❤
God bless

Note I'll update twice this week.

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