“You would try to control him? Your path for power will destroy you unfaithful one.” The Son replied.

“Well perhaps I should be the judge of that. Free Azazel, he will break free himself after the fifth seal. Let him leave peacefully, now, with me.” Satanael serene, controlled face revealed nothing of what he was thinking, yet it was clear to them all. With the leader of the Se’irim and the second leader of the Grigori on his side, he would have a way to control the most unruly groups of demons.

“Lord God, don’t listen to him, we can contain that beast. If he breaks free, I shall destroy him.” Michael interjected, now thankfully calmed down.

“It will come to that.” Raphael declared as he shimmered into the room. Uriel sighed in relief. If there were anyone who’d be able to calculate the best action to take, it would be Raphael.

“Syramidian will crumble. Azazel can sense the barriers weakening. I do not have the strength to maintain that along with a whole new city of souls. The gates are to be closed soon too, if he breaks free once they are closed we will have a war inside our own walls.” The Son of God pondered for a moment on what was said. Raphael always knew exactly how to say things the Son of God, he stated facts without giving opinion. It was both annoying and incredibly helpful.

“Okay, release him to Satanael Rapahael, oh and fallen one, ensure he leaves peacefully, or I shall have Michael drive you both out. You will need your energy if you still want to play these deluded games of yours.”Satanael produced a flowery, mocking bow as the Lord left. The other angels began leaving as well now the show was over.

“Nice to see you again brother” Satanael greeted Rapahael with his palms upturned, imitating the Son of God. It burned Uriel that he was so disrespectful, yet he found comfort in the knowledge of what was to come to him. He almost felt pity for the devious snake.

“I can’t say the same” Raphael replied. “Where’s Gabriel?”He asked, noticing it was just the three of them.

“He has been busy sending God’s voice to the few left on Earth.” Michael replied.

“Ahhh yes, such a futile waste of effort, they are all going to die anyway.” Michael’s glare would have made Uriel tremble, yet the father of lies simply smiled.

“Die they will, and earn a place in our kingdom.” Uriel said proudly.

“I wonder. I think they shall all curse the name of God in their hearts before their impending death. Humans are a vengeful breed. It’s why I enjoy them so much.” His snicker made Uriel sick, he couldn’t stand the creature, how they had once been so close he would never recall. He drew his fist back, trying to bottle his anger as he felt another arm hold his back. He watched Michael shake his head as he held back the fist that wanted to crash against the snakes face.

“My Son tells me Death ran into an Angel on earth a few days ago, an Angel that had a host. Now correct me if I’m wrong, but I was sure our glorious Father had banned all of heaven from any visitations on Earth. I wonder who would have broken such an instruction.” The devious creature seemed to be eyeing them all, one by one as if he could read their minds.

Uriel dismissed the evil ones lie. No one would have interfered with anyone on earth. There was nothing worth interfering with. The only thing they needed to do is find the child, and they could do that without any presence on earth. Satanael’s gaze lingered on Raphael and to Uriel’s curiosity, it seemed to make his face darken, Uriel had never seen Raphael react such a way before, he was always the composed one.

“No one here would betray Fathers commands. Neither will we believe anything that comes from you, or your son Hades.” Uriel replied dismissing the accusation before it went any further; he would have to talk to Raphael later.

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