Chapter 20

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Raphael once more summoned his twin battle axes and rushed into the fray of soldier demons as he cut a path to his brothers. Angels armed with swords and covered in the ancient armour of God battled the spearhead of the demonic legion that had made its way inside the gates before they had closed. Raphael ducked under the claws of one demon, tearing into his torso with a sickening crunch as he threw his other axe in a wide arc, slicing across another beast’s jaw that was ahead of him before the demon could finish its final blow to a downed angel.

The roar of battle filled his ears as twisted cries burst forth from injured demons and angels alike. A flash of pure light sped past Raphael’s right shoulder and collided into a large sinew covered demon on his blind side. Raphael cast a glance back to see Gabriel, already pulling back another arrow against his mighty, bow that stood as tall as he did. His brother seemed drained, but Raphael was glad that he too had decided to continue pushing himself as the battle continued.

Rounding on a group of demons that were twisted into their own tortured versions of horrid beasts, Raphael launched himself forward throwing his two battle axes forward and spinning with them, the chains still linked to the cuffs on his wrist changed his axes trajectory’s spinning them into a whirlwind of destruction as he sliced through the group of beasts. As the last demon fell before him, Raphael saw Uriel, his giant scythe spinning high above his head as he slashed out, beheading row after row of mindless, raging demons. His brother stopped his waves of slicing attacks as Raphael reached his side.

“They’re in the city.” Raphael advised Uriel as he hurtled an axe towards an approaching half man, half bull creature.

“Shadow spawn,” Uriel replied. “Baraqel must have been busy in Hell, she’s bred a whole army of them,” he continued.

“I killed one of them, it was more powerful than I expected.” Raphael replied as they stood back to back, watching as the demons surrounded them, just outside of their weapons’ reach.

“Probably an elder, Michael said Raum was here.” Uriel shouted, before casting a wide swing of his scythe, tearing into the face of one demon who had stepped a little too close, the poor creature’s black blood sprayed over the others beside it before collapsing to the ground, squealing in pain.

Raum, destroyer of cities, he had been the demon behind the destruction of over half the world’s civilisations since Satanael had first been cast from heaven. Indeed he was the reason the Heavenly plane had the desert Dudael, if he was here, the demonic strategist would already have a plan to annihilate Raphael’s kingdom Lest’eriel.

“We need to get back to the city. Where’s Michael?” Raphael asked, taunting his nervous opponents in front of him to commit to an attack.

“Fighting Samyaza,” Uriel answered, Raphael turned to his brother to watch him swing widely again, this time hitting nothing.

“Samyaza?” Raphael exclaimed. Samyaza, leader of the Grigori, brother to Azazel, the fallen angel was a terror to behold, weaker than his older brother to be sure, but far more intelligent. Raphael thanked Father that they closed the gates in time. If Samyaza and his legion of Grigori made it into the kingdom of heaven, Raphael’s city would be laid to waste.

“Are they inside?” Raphael asked desperately hoping they had been kept out.

“Michael stayed outside with a song of angels. He said he couldn’t risk letting Samyaza inside.” Raphael’s was glad Michael knew the risk of letting the demon inside, but heart lurched for him as he now risked his own life, battling the same number if not more demons outside, on his own with only seven hundred angels. His confidence would be his downfall one day, but Raphael prayed it would not be today.

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