Chapter 52 - Adjustments

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The light of a new day streamed in. One beam reflected off a cut glass mobile hung in the window for that very purpose. Anna laid quietly in her mother's arms, eyes open and seemingly enchanted by the lights that danced on the ceiling. Terra gazed in wonder at the new life that began within her, imprinting this image to be forever treasured.

Will bent down to kiss his wife, then rose with a half-grin. "Two miraculous things happened today. Our daughter was born, and you were up to see the sunrise."

Terra laughed. "And look at her. Definitely your daughter. Figures she would be a morning baby."

Ginny knocked softly on the door and peeked in.

Motioning Ginny in, Terra said. "She's still awake. Here, hold her for a moment while I pee."

Ginny sat down in the rocking chair and Will passed Anna to her. The baby remained quiet, taking in her surroundings as best a newborn could. Ginny gazed down at the little bundle. "Hello, little Anna. I will be your grandma. And we are going to have so much fun!"

Will shook his head with a smile. "Let the spoiling begin."


Over the next few weeks, Will and Terra settled into a new routine driven completely by a baby girl. As Terra predicted, Anna was indeed a morning baby. She slept fairly well for a newborn, but invariably she would wake before dawn. Usually hungry, Anna was a voracious eater. For the early morning feeding, Will would get up and bring Anna to Terra to nurse, but then take her away to allow Terra to get some more sleep. Together, father and daughter would watch the sun rise on her new world.

Already she has her father trained.

After what seemed too little sleep, Will brought in a fussy and squirming bundle, handing her to Terra.

"I think she is hungry again. Are you sure she is getting enough milk?"

"She's gaining weight like she should." Terra held up her baby daughter and cooed. "So, hungry again, are we?"

Terra pulled back the loose t-shirt she used as a nightgown to bare a breast, then winced as her daughter latched on with unexpected force and began sucking.

"Yes, definitely hungry."

Terra lightly stroked fingers across the little one as waves of pure bliss rippled through her. She smiled as tiny fingers gripped one of hers. Once fed, burped, and diaper changed, Anna fell into another nap rocking in her mother's arms.

Who am I kidding? She has her mother trained as well.

That evening brought visitors. Joseph and Avin Morse took turns admiring Anna as they held her. The baby girl turned on her charm and, for the first time, enjoyed the attention of those outside her parents and grandma.

Will extended his right hand to Avin. "Welcome. What brings you here?"

Avin turned and smiled as he watched Joseph make faces to the baby in his lap. The contrast of a tiny baby with a mountain of a man gave Terra pause. Anna fit easily within his massive hands.

Avin motioned to Anna. "Young ones like this remind us of our purpose."

He sat down before Will and Terra and took on a more serious demeanor. "I bring news. I met with the Emperor personally, and another rep met with the Blue Uprising Council. It was not at all cordial, but we got our point across. We have commitments from both sides to leave you two alone."

Will scoffed, "How can we trust their promises?"

"I won't lie to you." Avin shook his head. "The agreement is tenuous at best. I think you are safe, for now. They are distracted by war preparations and wish to preserve the services of the Library to avoid dissension within their own populations."

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