Chapter 8 - Roadside Help

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"Okay, I will trust you." Despite Terra's words, an uneasiness churned in her stomach, and she mentally prepared for a fight, just in case.

The Dynasty patrolman ahead waved them forward, flinging his arms with impatience. As Will slowed the truck, he said, "Move over close to me. You will be my adoring girlfriend."

Terra narrowed her eyes at the suggestion, but then relented, sliding across the seat until her hip touched his. Will wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her even tighter to him. Although hesitant at first, she placed her hand on his thigh. His closeness induced an unexpected heart flutter, pulsing warmth to her core.

Will coasted to a stop before an orange and white striped barrier and rolled down his window. A patrolman with dark sunglasses approached him while another stood ahead. The two Enforcers rose from their chairs shaded under an awning off the side of the road. Speaking in a monotone, the patrolman said, "Names and business."

Will replied, "Will Sall. And this is my girlfriend. I am delivering some stuff up to Freehold."

The patrolman glanced at the Enforcers, who had already sat back down. One of them made a dismissive hand gesture. "Move along," the patrolman said with a dismissive wave while the other moved the barrier aside. Will nodded and drove on.

Terra turned her head back as the checkpoint faded into the distance. She dropped her chin in amazement. "Just like that? No questions? I do not think they noticed my aura at all."

"And they would not have while you were close to me. No doubt you have already checked for my aura?"

"Yes." Terra admitted. Her face flushed as if caught raiding the cookie jar. "Just before we met, and I could not detect any. Are you implying that you can suppress your aura, and mine, too?"

"I am."

"How is that possible? What is the extent of your Talent, Will?"

Will paused in thought. "I invoke my right not to answer that question now." The corners of his mouth lifted as he glanced down at her hand on his leg. "Terra. You can move back over now. The bad guys are gone."

"Oh, yeah." Her cheeks reddened as she ducked under his arm and slid over.

Will grinned. "So where were we in our conversation before we were so rudely interrupted? Oh yes, your life story. What led you to join the Blue Uprising?"

A shadow moved across Terra's heart as she formulated a response. These were unpleasant memories, yet she felt comfortable sharing them with Will. "While I was away on my medical internship, some drunk upper-class monster decided he wanted to have my mom." Terra cast her eyes down and balled her hands into fists. "She resisted and in the struggle, he killed her. But his family was influential, and the police and local prosecutor were corrupt, so no charges were ever filed. The bastard even blamed her! I went to the regional government and protested so much that I got thrown in jail. I lost my internship. Corruption was everywhere, and if you were not part of the elite, you were oppressed. So I joined the Uprising. I.." She paused. "I ended up taking justice into my own hands."

Bitter memories surfaced. Standing over the body of her mother's killer achieved vengeance, but it did not ease an aching heart.

Will nodded and spoke in gentle tones. "I'm sorry, Terra. I know how that feels, and I admire that you strive to make the world better."

"Thank you." Terra wiped the moisture from her eyes. But I am not so admirable.

Ahead, a truck off the side of the road caught their attention. A pair of legs extended out from under it. Will slowed and pulled up behind. "Looks like they may need some help."

A man in dusty overalls slid out from under the disabled truck. A young blonde woman in the latter stage of pregnancy, made more obvious because of her short stature, slid down from the truck cab to join him.

"Having some problems with your truck?" Will asked.

"Yeah, the motor seized up, could be a bearing. I'm Tevin and this is my wife Jen." He patted her belly. "And this is our son, who is due any day now. We are heading to Freehold to stay with her mom."

Will extended his hand to grasp Tevin's. "I am Will, and this is my friend Terra." Will turned toward the truck. "Let's see if we can figure this out."

The men crawled under the truck while Terra helped Jen back inside the cab. Jen took a deep breath as she squirmed to find a comfortable position. "Thanks for stopping. This is a really inconvenient time for this old truck to break down."

"I suppose so," Terra said with a chuckle. "How are you feeling?"

Jen groaned, putting hands to an overextended belly. "I am so ready for the little guy to come out."

Will's voice came out from under the truck. "Looks like you are right. The motor thrust bearing is shot. I may have one that will fit in the spare parts I am hauling. Bet we could make it work. Hey, you're missing the voltage control box over here."

Tevin's voice replied. "Yeah. The original one burned out. Our farm is far away from anywhere I can get a new one and we could not afford it anyway, so I replaced it with two regulators from our house. I put them over there and wired them in parallel...."

Jen rolled her eyes as the mechanical discussion droned on. "We might as well spread a blanket under that tree over there and relax. Get Tevin started on mechanics and he can go on for hours."

Terra helped Jen spread the blanket in a shady spot and then returned to Will's truck to retrieve their sack lunches and a jug of water. "Let's eat some lunch while they are busy disassembling your truck."

Jen smiled as she opened one sack. "You are so nice. How long have you two been together?"

"Oh, we are not a couple. I am only along for the ride."

"He seems like a good one." Jen winked. "Might want to try for him."

"We only just met," Terra replied with a small smile. Better that I don't.

After a few hours, the men emerged from beneath the truck, dusty and dirty, but with victorious grins. "I think we did it!" Tevin exclaimed to the women. He turned to Will and grasped his hand in a vigorous handshake.

Will cautioned. "We had to force the bearing in. Let's not claim victory till we make it to Freehold. Terra and I will follow behind. Better not push it too hard until we are sure the bearing will hold up."

"You are a lifesaver. How can we repay you?" Tevin asked.

"No payment needed," Will said, waving his hand. "It was my pleasure."

"Not even for the bearing? Those things aren't cheap."

"I'll tell you what. Some day you may come across someone who needs your help. Just pay it forward."

Tevin bowed. "I will in your honor."

The four picked up tools, blanket, and the rest of the lunches and soon set off. Terra took the wheel while Will ate what Terra had saved for him from the lunch sacks. They followed behind the other truck.

He is a good man. Terra turned to Will in admiration. "That was a very kind thing you did."

Will beamed. "It felt good, you know? I believe we are all called to compassion."

They rode on for several hours, mostly in silence, as Will finished his lunch and then took a brief nap. Terra took in peaceful scenes of rolling grasslands, dotted with colorful wildflowers, separated by wandering creeks and scattered clumps of hardwood trees. Now and then, when the terrain leveled, they passed farmsteads and orderly rectangular fields.

She hit the brake, perhaps a bit too hard, as the truck ahead suddenly pulled to the side of the road and stopped. Will awoke with a jerk as Terra pulled up behind. Tevin, with a wide-eyed look of panic on his face, ran back towards them.

"It's Jen, the baby is coming!"

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