Chapter 18 - Religion

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On Saturday, Will took Terra for a tour of the nearby countryside, confirming that the local economy was based on agriculture. Large expanses of grain fields stood in the lower flatlands to the south. Only stubble remained of the wheat fields, while soybeans and oats bided their time until harvest. Pastures dominated the rolling foothills to the west and northwest, framed behind by high mountains. Orchards and vegetable farms laid to the east, especially along a meandering river that provided irrigation. Will drove no more than a few kilometers northward, staying well away from Norhold, which drew a grin from Terra.

Along the way, she questioned him further. "Will, Ginny told me that she and you are involved with the Library. What is it you do?"

"Ginny is Regional Director and sits on the Governing Council. I am a local advisor and do some of the planning." He pointed down the road. "Let me show you something."

Will turned on a bumpy dirt road, bouncing along several kilometers to a locked gate. Stepping out of his truck, he unlocked the gate and then proceeded about half a kilometer to a low bunker within a grassy hill. As he unlocked the bunker door, sunlight poured in to the dank space, revealing rows of boxes along the concrete walls, each marked with various colored labels.

"The Library believes that a full-scale war between the Dynasty and the Blue Uprising is coming," he explained. "Both sides are building armies and they will eventually use them. When it comes, society will crash down, so the Library is caching supplies. This one is mostly non-perishable food and medical supplies. Other caches have different kinds of basic commodities, shelters, tools, or such. They are meant to minimize the inevitable suffering."

Will relocked up the bunker, and they returned to the truck. "We also have manpower on the ready, people who specialize in disaster relief, security, basic utilities, medicine, teaching, and many more. My part of it is clean water supply and sanitation."

"You are sure about a large war? What is the timing?" Terra asked.

"I would say it is a high probability. The conflict up near Norhold was just a preview. As far as the timing, who knows? It is all like a dry grassland. All it takes is a spark to trigger a range fire. Taking the analogy further, if we can keep the roots strong, society will eventually come back."

After locking the gate, Will drove back toward the main road.

Terra asked, "You know I am a Blue Uprising Agent. Why are you and Ginny revealing so much of the Library to me?"

"The Uprising and the Dynasty already know about the Library's existence, although perhaps not everything we do." Will turned toward Terra with a warm smile. "Besides, I know you have a good heart. I trust you."

A shadow of self-doubt crept into her thoughts. Should you Will? I am tainted.

After a period of silence, Terra asked. "Ginny said there are many types of poverty. What did she mean?"

"Poverty normally means lack of financial wealth or possessions. We take a wider view, also lack of things like social connection, health, opportunity, hope, spirituality, and even religion. Things that make life worth living."

Terra scoffed. "I've seen religion in action. Emperor Sage had set himself up as a deity."

Will curled his lip. "That is sickening. History is full of corrupt men who misused religion for their own wealth and power, and to oppress those deemed unfit. He is not the first, nor shall he be the last. A true good religion lifts all people regardless of... Well, regardless of anything. The Library is supporting the reemergence of an old religion which portrays a loving God, and in its purest form, teaches charity and compassion, that we should love our neighbor as yourself. Humanity needs that kind of moral foundation."

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