Chapter 7 ~Operation break out part 1

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Back at the Stark towers, Tony and Natasha had been doing work for the last three almost four years. They would stop at nothing to find Y/n. They had also found that Loki's scepter is in a Hydra base in Sokovia.

One morning, a man walked into Stark Towers. No interest in joining the avengers. Only for the soul purpose to talk to them.

The man was tall with dirty blonde short hair. He was wearing a nice black suit like most of his days working. He rings the bell on top of the desk. It just so happens that a blonde hair walks in front of him and sees that he is waiting for help.

"Hello there. I am Pepper Pots. Why are you here today?"

" Hello. I am here to talk to Tony Stark and the Avengers. I have very important information that can not wait."

"Oh, umm okay. How urgent is this information?" Pepper picks up the phone ready to call Tony but needs an answer first to know if he is okay to let upstairs.

"Extremely important information Miss Pots. Please, this could literally be life changing for them. In a good way of course."

" Hi Tony, can you get all the Avengers in the meeting room because I have a visitor here with important news. " the blonde woman ends the call with the man.

"In the elevator on your left, go to floor number 13 okay?"

"Yes thank you very much Miss Pots."


The man makes it up to the meeting room to which he finds all the Avengers sitting around the table. He opens the door and walks in nervously because the Avengers are staring at him.

"Can we cut to the chase and just tell me why you are here and what the information is. Because me and Miss Romanoff over here have work to do." Tony gives a blank stare to the man in the suit.

"Yes okay, so I am an ex HYDRA agent." When he said that half of the room pulled out weapons. "No no not like that. Let me explain myself first before you kill me. I was only a HYDRA agent because they took my son for experiments. The only reason that I became an agent was because if I could not be in the same room as him them I at least wanted to be in the same building to know what was going on with my son."

"So what does that have to do with us in anyway shape or form?" Steve asked coldly.

"Well, you are Y/n Stark's family aren't you?" The man takes a picture out of his coat pocket and slides it on the table to Steve. It showed a picture of you from before the Sokovia base. In the picture she was smiling. This made Tony feel both excited and scared at the same time. He took extra time to look at the picture of his daughter. She had grown up so much. He could not believe it had almost been 14 years since he has saw her. After he looked at the picture he starts,

"So what do you want money, a picture with Capsicle? And how do you know my daughter anyway?

"Well, when I was HYDRA, I was there with her for ten years. Then she got switched to the base in Sokovia about four years ago. And I have not seen her since. The new guard that gets her around now is a close friend. She is in good hands. Unfortunately, she has already been tested on. My friend confirmed with me that she has the powers to heal and control elements like earth, wind, fire, and water." The Avengers sat there with their mouths slightly ajar. How could this be their niece? " I am here to help you save her from that hell hole."

" You said you joined HYDRA because they took your son correct," Natasha starts to say. The man nods at her in agreement. " So, if you don't mind me asking, what did they do to him?" He sighs and starts to explain to the group of super humans infront of him.

"They did the same experiments on him as they did to Y/n. The only difference is that my son unfortunately did not make it through the experimental process. The serum ran ramped through him and tore his organs apart. If that is not gruesome. Now, with Y/n, she is an extremely strong girl. I knew she would be fine. Not that I ever wanted her to through that. I tried to get her out about three times but every time we would get caught. She would always tell me stories about you guys. She really loves all of you." This made all of them feel a lot better. Little smiles would appear on their faces showing that they were remembering a memory of them with little Y/n.

"Well, I am very sorry to hear about your son. I wish that would have not happened to him." Nat says and looks down at her hands that were twiddling on the table. "Its alright. I never wanted that to happen. That is why I am here with you. I can help. I know where she is. And if I go to get her it would look like I am doing my job."

"But we don't ever do anything right. We are the avengers if we do something we do it with style." Clint says and laughs at his own comment.

"You're right. If I am trying to get her back I will do it. With the help of you guys. So, welcome to the team. You are only our guy in the chair for this project. " Tony stands up to walk over to the man in the suit.

"Umm actually it is a operation. It should be called operation break out." Clint says.

"It doesn't matter. We need to get to it. So, suit up and get on the Quinjet." Tony shoos off the avengers and the man in the suit begins to walk out of the door.

"Hey buddy, I didn't get your name,"

"Its Carson"


Hey! Small a/n. So, in sorry of this chapter was confusing. Basically, this happens a year after last chapter. The next chapter will be taking place a few days after this chapter takes place.

Perfect For Me (Pietro Maximoff X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora