Ch.1 A New Day

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Lucy's pov
"And that's the last box." Ugh, I thought I'd never get that done. I just got done carrying boxes into my new house. That's right. I got a house instead of an apartment. The house is pretty big. I also bought new furniture and silverware and everything really. I sat down on a random box and started to think out loud. "It's been almost a month. I wonder." I turn my head to look out the window that overlooked the town. 

"If some joined Sabertooth."


I had decided to go for a little stroll and stop by Sabertooth for a bit. I had chosen to wear something a bit more modern and less revealing. Blackshirts, an oversized white sweatshirt with a hood, black and white converse, and my hair in a high ponytail. Once I had decided to move away from Magnolia, I asked Cancer to somehow make my hair longer. I walked along the path to town, happily smiling and humming to myself. Happy that my house will be furnished. 


I had finally decided on what to wear and walk around all the boxes. I closed the door and a white magic circle appeared under my feet. I reached my arm out and a white shimmery square appeared to my side. My hand disappearing into the mist. When my hand came out, the house keys were in my palms. I locked the door and put them back in the shimmering void. I was about to walk away when I suddenly realized I got to caught up in the excitement of going to town I forgot to unpack. A long sigh escaped my lips, and not a second later, my stomach growled. I would have to go somewhere to eat and buy some groceries. But, there wouldn't be time to do all of that today. I scratched my head in announce and realized something. A golden magic circle appeared under my feet, bigger the white circle, and the sign for Virgo appeared in the middle. "OPEN!! Gate of the maiden!, VIRGO!!" I shouted. A golden puff of smoke appeared and a chime could be heard. As the smoke cleared Virgo stood in its place. 

"Yes, Princess? You summoned me?" 

I was a little surprised that she didn't ask for punishment when she first appeared. I shook my head a little, happy she didn't ask, yet. "Um, yes Virgo. I have to run to town to pick up some supplies. I was wondering if you could put away all the stuff in the boxes, please? I had made designs of how I wanted it to look and left them on the kitchen table. I know I'm taking up your time, but I forget to and I need to get food and other supplies." I stated. Virgo simply nodded her head and disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

End of Flashback

I smiled as I walked into town. Oh wow, this place has a lot of stores. There's the Sweet Shop, Aunt Minnie's, Home Accents, and that just a few. I stop walking to look at the window of Home Accents. Maybe it's better to buy non-food items first.

Timeskip, 3rd person

After an hour of shopping, Lucy walked out of the Sweet Shop. In total, Lucy has three bags. One from the Sweet Shop, and two from the Home Accents. Plastered on her face was a sweet, small closed smile. As Lucy walked she realized that she didn't know where any food stores are. Sure, there's the Sweet Shop, and Aunt Minnie's, but she had no idea where a grocery store is. She kept walking down what seems to look like the main street. Lucy had moved to one of Fiore's larger towns. Cloverdale. Home to the guild Sabertooth. The bags in Lucy's arms are getting heavier by the second it seems. 

Lucy looked up into the sky noticing the sun was lowering. "Ah shit," Lucy mumbled. She was slightly disappointed with herself as she spent to much time in two little stores, but she was so glad she did. She was able to find two stores she liked to shop at. She figured that the Sweet Shop was a regular place to shop at. One of the many sweets Lucy bought is a 20 pack of chocolate-covered strawberries. She smiled at the thought of having strawberries for dessert, snacks, or breakfast. After walking for some bit Lucy came to the conclusion that she was lost. Lucy was becoming stressed and very fast. She started to look for a map station but a soft voice interrupted Lucy's search. 

"Lucy-san? Is that you?" Lucy's eyes widen at the familiar voice. Lucy turned around to face the one and only Yukino. 

Yukino Agria a celestial spirit summoner, like Lucy, but owns three keys. Pisces, Libra, and the forbidden 13th key, the Snake Charmer. Yukino is also in the only guild of Cloverdale. Sabertooth.

"Yukino! Why I'm so glad you found me!" Lucy exclaimed to the white-haired mage. Yukino looked surprised and confused. Why? Because she never thought she would see Lucy in Cloverdale on a shopping spree. "If you don't mind me asking Lucy-san, but what are you doing in Cloverdale??" 

Yukino asks with curiosity laced in her question. Before Lucy could answer, Lucy's stomach growled causing her to blush in embarrassment. "A-ah, sorry Yukino! To answer your question, I just moved here!" Lucy replied in a cherry voiced.  Yukino nodded her head, but then realized something. "What, wait?! But, Lucy-san, what about Fairy Tail? Aren't they your nakama?" At this, Lucy lowered her head and slowly shook her head side to side. 

"Would you like to talk about on the way to Sabertooth, Lucy-san? I was just heading there now actually, and we can eat something too. That's only if you want too." Yukino suggested to Lucy. Lucy's face lit up with the mention of food and eagerly caught up to Yukino. 

As the two celestial mages made their way to Sabertooth, Lucy told Yukino about Fairy Tail's disbanded and how she was hoping to join Sabertooth. But neither girl felt the gazes of two sets of eyes watching them from a nearby rooftop.

Hey guys! Just wanted to make a small update that I'm currently going back to all my early chapters and rewriting thing. Nothing big, just fixing some words, changing sentences to make more sense, and just making my story better. Thank you all for being so patient with me! Love you fairies so much.

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