Chapter 14: First Day

Start from the beginning

The elevator doors open. I step inside followed by Darius. I turn my body just to face-to-face with his chest and his muscular, attractive broad shoulders. I'm short and he is freakishly tall, remember? I can smell his cologne more closely. It's like a drug and I'm addicted to it, well, beside those pills on cabinet back at home.

I lift my face to look up and I can see a smile curved in his face. I immediately look down, trying to hide my soon to be blushing cheeks.

"You're late." He says. I don't know his expression. I don't have any guts left inside me to look up again.

"Yeah sorry. Jason forgot to tell me that I'm working in your office, I mean your Dad's office."

"Don't beat yourself up, new girl." He ruffles my hair.

Finally, the elevator doors open after what it seems to be forever. I literally dodge him and get out from elevator as fast as I can. Only to bump into Alex and spill his tea into his shirt. Idiot!

"Sorry." I say as I get up.

"Hi, Jenna. It's okay." Alex chuckles. He is so nice.

"Get a room." Darius says while walking through me and Alex.

Alex just shakes his head and helping me pick up my bag from the floor. "Here. You're late." Alex smiles with that smile. That warm cute smile.

"Yeah sorry. Jason forgot to tell me that I'm working in here. I'm so sorry though about your shirt."

"It's okay. I have a spare one in my office. Come, follow me."

I follow Alex into a very modern work-space. Where there's no cubicle like in that Anne Hathaway's Intern movie. But, there's still three private room that I bet belong to Benjamin and his sons.

I sit in the sofa in Alex's office. Apparently Ben is visiting the site today. So, I won't meet him today. Alex grabs the shirt he was talking about and excuse himself to change in the bathroom. I'm fidgeting myself in the sofa.

"Cute outfit." Darius is standing in Alex's office door.

"Thanks. I was so nervous it took me forever to choose the clothes." I'm biting my nails.

"Stop fidgeting. I bet you'll be great. You look great." He smiles at me. He's nice but every time Alex pops up, he always becomes a jerk. Is he having a bipolar disorder? Maybe I should recommend Dr. Bill to him.

"Thanks. What are you working on?"

Darius enters the room and sit at the sofa across me. "I'm currently in charge with tender and usually as the head of the project."

"Wow, cool."

"Yeah. You won't be working with me. My Dad and Alex handle the whole acquisition deal."

I feel slightly relief. But, to be honest I don't want to work with him because I am nervous to work with Darius. Every time I see his face, his lips to be exact, the kiss plays in my head and keep replaying like a broken cassette.

"Shame though. I'm really looking forward to work with you. I heard you're Harvardian." His soft voice brings me back to the reality.

"Yeah. I look forward to work with you too." Lie. Lie. Lie. "Yes, how do you know ?"

"My Dad told me before the introduction lunch thing. Do you want to drink?"

"No, I'm good. Thanks." I smile.

Someone calls Darius from outside the room. Darius excuses himself to leave the room. It's my first day, and it's 10.13 in the morning and I'm already bored. To kill the time while waiting for Alex, I pull out my phone from my pocket and play Candy Crush.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Alex's voice stops my Candy Crush adventure.

"It's okay." I smile and put back my phone into my pocket.

"So, Dad's not in office today. I can't tell you the detail about your job desk right now because Dad has the detail." Alex chuckles. "I'm sorry." Alex smiles.

"No, it's cool. It's okay. Perhaps I can help you on something? Darius told me that I'll be working with you."

"You can help me with the due diligence. Starting with the financial report."

"I can help you with that."

"I'll send the papers and files to you. You can work in Darius' office. He has two desks." I frown. Alex laughs. "Unless you prefer work on the outside the room with other staffs without privacy but far away from Darius." Alex teases me.

"Working in a room with Darius is not a privacy. It's a torture." I laugh too. "But, it's better than work in open work-space. You know me and my stranger issue. Thanks Alex." I get up from my chair, pick up my bag, and walking to Darius' office next to Alex's.

It's going to be an exhausting day, both to my brain and my heart.

It's going to be an exhausting day, both to my brain and my heart

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