Chapter XXXI: Wild Heart

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A/N: Warning Suggestive language and content. Reader discretion advised.


I smiled at Jason after looking out the window. "She's beautiful isn't she?" He said while rubbing my hand with his thumb.
"Hell yea!" Mercedes blurted making both of us laugh.

"Way to ruin the moment" I said shaking my head at her. "Girl I'm excited I haven't been out of New York in centuries"she said being overdramatic as usual. Jason chuckled before facepalming. All the other boujee people in first class looked at us like we were insane.

The plane finally landed letting us off into the airport. Jason wrapped an arm around my waist as he carried his carry on and I carried my own. Mercedes walked slightly ahead of us as if she knew where she was going.

She actually did a fine job in making her way to the baggage claim wandering away from us on occasion.

After collecting our luggage we began to walk towards the exit.

"Mr.Mccann" we heard a man call out who was holding a sign with "McCann" written in bold letters on it. He must be our chauffeur I thought to myself. I wasn't used to all of this luxury treatment but I surely could get used to it.

The man quickly grabbed our luggage from us before hauling it to the limo waiting just outside the double doors of the Airport.

Rather than waiting for the chauffeur Jason opened the back doors of the limousine for Mercedes and I quickly kissing my cheek before I got in the stretched out car.

He got in smiling at me as Mercedes sat on the other end of the limo already going through the mini fridge. I shook my head again as I watched her pick out some champagne.

"Mercedes it is far too early for champagne" "it's never too early for champagne," she said waving me off. "Mercedes d-" I started but Jason cut me off "baby let the girl live a little" he mumbled in my ear sending chills down my spine. "Okay fine," I said looking back at him getting caught in his ice crystal-like gaze.

A smirk played on his face as he lifted my chin leaving a soft kiss on my lips allowing our lips to linger there for a minute before going back in for a deeper kiss while caressing my face and resting his hand under my chin.

"Oh god I need to get drunk right now fuck champagne, where's the Henny?" She said causing us both to break the kiss and let out a hearty laugh. "If yall are gonna be having a bunch of those little romantic moments where yall fall silent and just start kissing all lovingly like in the soaps imma have to be drunk by yesterday" she said causing me to shake my head.

"We'll try to keep the PDA to a minimum Mercedes, Right Jason?" I said looking at Jason who was already biting his lip at me. "Right Jason?!" I repeated breaking him out of his trance. "Mm right, baby, when she's around that is," he said with a smirk on his face causing me to giggle. "I have no idea what has gotten into you," I said before pushing his face away from mine.

"I don't know maybe the beautiful island and the most beautiful woman in the world in combination is too much for me to handle right now," he said making me slightly blush. "Stop it," I said placing my hand in the center of his chest. "You know you love when I flirt with you so don't start," he said before reaching out to play with one of my curls. "Mm whatever," I said smirking at him before turning my back to him so I could lean against his chest.

"Ugh that's it we have to find me a man in the Bahamas, just a fling is okay but I can't be the third wheel this whole time, my poor heart can't take it," she said clutching her chest dramatically. "Well what about Chandler," asked Jason. "T-the chauffeur?" asked Mercedes causing Jason to chuckle.

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