Chapter XXIII: Interrogation

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Tiana's POV

As I got in the squad car or was forced into it, my mind began to wonder. What could've possibly happened for me of all people to be taken in for questioning. I hadn't heard of anything happening.

I don't know what happened but something in my gut tells me it has everything to do with Stacy..

After all I didn't see her there or in police custody and she would do something like blame me for missing cash or something because she's just racist and evil as we all know she would blame me any chance she got.

As we pulled into the police station parking lot the officer opened the door for me and led me into the building being sure to keep a grip on me because apparently I'd have a reason to run? I was taken to another room immediately as soon as I walked in spotting some of my other coworkers. All looking shocked and confused as to why they were brought here as well.

The room I was put in felt just like the movies and the TV shows the interrogation room was a simple room a two way glass "mirror" single light no windows and a table with 2 chairs. Who would've thought I'd see myself in a room like this. Two large males stood at either side of the door as I sat in the chair wondering exactly what I had done to be here.

"Um excuse me?" I said lowly to one of the "security guards"/officers "No speaking" he said sternly.

"I don't see why not considering you have me in an interrogation room. I would think you'd want me to speak now wouldn't you?" I said with a hint of sass.

"Listen lady, if you're gonna ask me why you're here I don't know wait for the detective to come in he'll explain. I know we'd all like to get on with our day but I can't help that so just sit relax and be quiet for now please." He said.

"Well that was one question but can I have water or something "I asked with a charming smile.
"Sure thing miss"I could tell he internally rolled his eyes as he walked out of the room.
As he was out of the room I looked around the room observing my surroundings.

The door suddenly opened and in walked a white male in a black suit his hair combed back typical "detective" appearance he sat down and right behind him came the guard sitting the cup of water next to me on the table and I began to drink it.

The detective then introduced himself. "Hello, I'm Detective Stanford and you must be" "Tiana, Tiana Brooks"I stood before shaking his hand and sitting back in my chair.

He cleared his throat "Nice to meet you, um well let's get straight down to business.. You'd like to know why you're here right?" "I mean it would be nice to know"I said light heartedly.
He smiled lightly "Well you're being questioned because a missing persons report was filed for your boss" my eyes immediately widened "What?! She's missing?"I asked slightly shocked but didn't shock me too much considering a lot of people dislike her, a lot of people who know people that could make her disappear.

"Yes her spouse filed a missing persons report yesterday when she hadn't come home from work the night before"he stated "wow I had no idea , I didn't even hear anything on the news" "Well it hasn't been released to the press just yet but we wanted to question her coworkers to see if anyone could think of where she might've gone, knew of any plans she had maybe mentioned etc." He said "I understand yes well Stacy and I aren't exactly friends so we never talked about our personal lives with each other so I don't think I could help you there" with all the criminal shows I watched I knew not to make incriminating statements regarding my dislike for her and her dislike for me. So I left it at that.

"Well we also decided to look at the security tapes and she was seen on them the night she supposedly disappeared but it doesn't leave us much evidence because it seems something went wrong and the tape was obstructed from the point of her being outside of her car to it being driven away" he said as he showed me the video.

I watched carefully "it looks like she was in a bit of a rush to leave as I would be as well especially in that area its kinda frightening at night out there. " I said "so what you're saying is you don't believe she left on her own you believe she may have been running from someone?" "No no I didn't say exactly that" "but you implied it. Oh this changes everything now we're looking for a kidnapper" he says under his breath.

"Um I guess so"I said not sure how to respond to his statement "well thank you for your input miss...Brooks..we will call you if we have any further questions"he said shaking my hand once again before we both stood and he escorted me out of the room.

I was taken to the secretary's desk to write down my contact information and then walked outside to get fresh air and call my boyfriend. He answered the phone quite quickly.
"Hey baby girl, everything alright?"he said sweetly
"Hey, yea I'm fine but um.. could you come get me.." "Sure where are you?" he asked "the police station"I said trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

"Wait what?! Police station?! I'll be right there "he said before hanging up. I assumed he knew which police station I meant. I sat on the curb outside waiting for him and texting Mercedes letting her know I'd be home early.

Jason pulled up in a parking spot next to me, before getting out and helping me into the car opening the door for me before running around to the other side and getting back in he buckled himself back in and leaned over kissing my cheek.

"So baby what happened what are you doing at the police station"
"So you remember the racist mean supervisor at my job?"I asked looking at him "yes what did that bitch do now? She better leave my girl alone"he said looking at me and rubbing his hand on my thigh as he drove with his left hand.

"She's missing Jason"I said lowly.
"What? Well looks like karma finally got her then" he said very nonchalant.
"No Jason what if she's dead or something for real that's not cool. I wouldn't wish that type of harm on someone despite their meanness"
"She wasn't just mean she was racist, she hurt your feelings and trust me she's not dead"he mumbled the last part under his breath.

"Just because someone hurt my feelings doesn't mean they deserve to be physically harmed" I said looking at him.
"I guess just don't sweat it. I'm sure she's fine she just decided to leave or something I don't know" he said
"No I don't think she's okay"
"Babeee just don't worryy she'll be okay let's just go back to your place and relax you got the day off enjoy it" he said as he pulled into the back lot of my apartment .

"Fine "I said calming down as he parked and leaned over the middle console kissing my lips softly my whole body relaxing.

My god this man really does know how to calm every nerve in my body..

Ohh if only Tiana knew👀 lol
Comment what you guys think about this chapter I'm trying to do a good job updating when I'm supposed to :) but I need feedback from you guys!!

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