Chapter XX: Torture

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After I subdued Stacy I was sure to grab her keys so that I could return for her car later. I tied Stacy up so that I could keep a close eye on her I kept her in the back seat a cover laying over her cold practically lifeless body.
But of course I wouldn't have killed her that fast..I mean what's the fun in that?

I choked her right to the point of unconsciousness not death because clearly I need her alive for the next step.


We arrived at my house. Because it's in such a secluded area if she somehow (which was highly unlikely) managed to escape I could easily find her because there's nothing within 4 miles just wide open spaces, woods and a lake all of which I own. I carried her limp body into the house seeing a look of slight shock on Wesley's face. "I would've had your room prepared if I had known you'd planned to do this today" he says heading into the basement in front of me. "It's fine Wesley.. I'll prepare it myself.. This ones gonna be here awhile..." I said lying my victim on the cold concrete ground.

"Is she already-" "no just unconscious" I said pulling out my "examination table" this house was my dads and  he would take girls that he had recently kidnapped down into the basement where they would stay his conditions weren't poor he'd always say "we take good care of our guests" we didn't starve them nor did we often beat them.. Only if they misbehaved we still treated them as civilized human beings for the most part but still our own personal experiments..

And when my father decided one of them was no longer of value he'd end it. You see he didn't love the torture as much as I did.. He just loved the precision aspect of killing someone without a mess or trace. That's why he was never caught... Not even with my mothers murder which was his very first.After all I did say his case got thrown out due to "tampered/lack" of evidence.

My father had a masters degree in law and he was also a defense attorney he knew just how to get away with murder. And he did well so well that he could even have killed me and not left a trace and not have even once been brought up as a possible suspect .
That was just how good he was...

I could deny and say I didn't aspire to be just like him... I did but I realized that was a man who could not love.
And I didn't want that I wanted to be able to love at least to love Tiana.

I didn't want to be like him in that aspect... He killed his only lover.
She was the love of his life and he killed her I believed that he just couldn't love her but knew he didn't want anyone else to either so he took her very life.

In reality he was envious in her ability to love me and love him as well.
He just didn't know how to love and he didn't believe he ever could love so he became envious of anyone who had the ability to love especially the ability to love anyone other than him.. And that's why he's not here today...besides when he becomes envious of someone he kills them or in my case kills the very one they love and if he was alive today I'm sure he would kill Tiana just like he killed Alana..

Alana was much like Tiana Carmel complexion curly hair beautiful beyond compare. I loved her..well at least I thought I did.. At the time I was falling for her... She didn't care about my evil ways, she only worried about my fathers influence on me but knew to stay in her place. I always had her around I planned to stay with her forever..but my father he ruined that I remember it like it was yesterday.

Her beautiful brown hair flowed down to her lower back. Her Carmel skin with a slightly red undertone. Her thick figure that I absolutely loved to wrap my muscular arms around and hear her giggle everytime I'd tickle her. God she was beautiful the way she'd sing any song that came to mind with beauty and grace. She was the only one I ever loved the only thing I'd ever given my all to. And she was taken from me...

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