Chapter V : Party

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Unsaved Number Siri suggests: "maybe: Jason":
Hey, Tiana. It's Jason here's the address to the club for the party tonight The Standard, High Line, 848 Washington St, New York, NY 10014 party starts at 9pm ends at 4 am. Hope to see you there beautiful ;).

I frantically searched through my closet for the best dress I could find. Considering I don't go out much I don't have many options. I just know if some big time celebrities will be there I must dress to impress.

About an hour later I finally found the perfect outfit as close as I could get to a dress.I of course took this opportunity to take a mirror selfie and send the picture to my best-friend Mercedes "Thoughts?😏👀" "YES QUEEN I'm going to look like shit compared to you but oh well after all Jason is supposed to be looking at you Right ;)"she replied. I smiled to myself "Oh shush send me a pic of your outfit boo" I replied.

Mercedes Sent a Photo
She was wearing an over the shoulder jumpsuit and 6inch stilettos.

Mercedes: you know I don't do dresses
Tiana: You still slay Tf out of that outfit damn😛
Mercedes:😂 whatever you better be careful in that romper though don't want Jason to think you wore it just for him right?
Tiana: or do I? The world may never know😂 I mean he is pretty attractive
Mercedes: must be with how much you gawk over him. I can't wait to officially meet this guy you're clearly in love with.
Tiana: in love? Woah hold up love? hell no lmao. I've literally only seen the kid once.... well twice.
Mercedes: calm down calm down I'm kidding
Tiana: better be.
Mercedes: or what?
Tiana: or... Nothing lmao just get your ass over here so we can go
Mercedes: On my way!

Mercedes is currently in the process of moving out of her dorm room and into my apartment. She got tired of living with some random chick she didn't know , whom she kinda had a feeling secretly hated her. So, Mercedes will be moving in with me starting tomorrow but we decided tonight will be a laid back night. We can get to the moving process in the morning.

I locked my phone after turning on some music so that I could of course dance in the me mirror while I put on my makeup which was my daily ritual.
I was dancing and singing caretaker by d.r.a.m when I heard another voice singing and jumped seeing Mercedes.

"You scared the crap out of me! I regret giving you that key already" I said looking at her. She laughed "I'm sorry I mean I'm moving in like tomorrow anyways" "we Gucci " I said "you look great tho" she said as she pulled up snapchat "Impromptu Photoshoot!!" we took several pictures with each other then headed out the door.

Arriving to the party
Wow when Jason said celebrities would be here he wasn't lying but I mean celebrities are always in NYC. I immediately scanned the room for Jason, when we were unable to find him we decided to go grab a drink at the bar.

We stood at the bar and I order our drinks my favorite song came on and I began swaying my hips to the beat as I waited for our drinks. "Here you go ladies" the fairly attractive bartender says setting our drinks on the counter. I went to grab my drink and it was suddenly swiped out of my hand. I turned around ready to slap whoever just grabbed my drink. I turned around to see a smirking Jason and my facial expression immediately changed.

"It'd be nice if you could give that back" I said folding my arms " aww that would be but too bad I'm not nice" he gave an evil smirk "if I were you I'd start being nice real quick " I said lifting an eyebrow at him "oooo I'm so scared" he said chuckling and holding his hands up "you should be " I said continuing to stand there with my arms crossed he leaned forward before whispering into my ear "If I were you I'd be the one that's scared" this sent chills down my spine.

What the hell is that supposed to mean? I laughed, "you're funny Jason " I said taking my drink from his hand and sipping it "I try I try" he said flashing that charming smile of his. "So you ladies enjoying yourselves so far?"he asked."yea I'm loving the vibe of this place"said Mercedes. "I enjoy the 'vibe' as well. I'm sorry how rude of me I'm Jason you are?" He said, this accent that I hadn't noticed until now showing through.

He held out his hand she placed her hand down in his palm "Mercedes" she said and he gently kissed her hand. I notice her blush and folded my arms feeling a bit jealous, I just sipped my drink. "Lovely name. Like Mercedes Benz? "He asked "Yeah I guess you could say that"she slightly giggled. "I actually have a Benz "he chuckles. "Oh really? I'm dying to drive one they're so elegant and I'm sure they drive quite smooth its probably perfect." She said "we could go try it out if you want? I don't mind." He said still not letting go of her hand.

"Oh no no I couldn't dare ask you to do such a thing" I rolled my eyes at how "elegant" and poised and proper she was speaking now. Jason seemed more interested in Mercedes than me the one he ACTUALLY invited to this party. I frowned maybe this guy is better for her. "Well you two go and have fun don't worry about me" Jason's head shot towards me and he frowned "no we're not going anywhere " he said looking at Mercedes then back to me. "No no that's cool you go test drive his Benz tell me how it was"I said sarcastically. "Cmon Tiana don't be like that"said Mercedes "No really it's okay I'll be right here when you get back."I said turning around and ordering another drink, glaring at them as they walked out.

When they didn't come back after 15 minutes.
I decide to go wonder around and found myself on the dance floor dancing alone. Well this isn't exactly how I planned this night to go but here I am, alone on a dance floor in a party where I literally know no one maybe I should just call Mercedes and leave. I started walking out of the club and looking around. Mercedes was no where to be found. I sigh pulling out my phone I dial Mercedes number and she immediately answers "Hey" she says "where the hell are you? " I asked a bit upset.

"Oh Jason didn't tell you? I'm at home." She says causing me to narrow my eyes "home?! What the hell why? now I'm out here alone I don't even see Jason and you went home?!" I said practically yelling in the phone "Well after I drove his car he told me he could just drop me off at home and then he'd come back to just ya know spend some time alone with you. I think he really likes you" she said I got a little flustered but quickly recuperated.

"Well if he wanted to spend some alone time with me he would actually be here right n-" my phone was taken out of my hand and I turned around ready to slap whoever it was right in the face but of course once again it was Jason. "I swear the next time you do that I'm going to slap you" I said folding my arms over my chest.

He frowned holding the phone out towards me to take I just stood there and stared at it. "C'mon don't be mad at me"he said stepping closer I snatched my phone out of his hand "I couldn't figure out another way to get you alone so I had to convince your friend to come with me so I could get some time alone with you"he said "um how about you just tell her you want some alone time with me not leave me all alone at a party in a club where I know no one and go off with my best-friend. I thought you were interested in her or something"I said keeping my arms folded.

"No of course not I mean she's pretty and all but.... Honestly..."he paused licking his bottom lip. "You're one of the most beautiful women I've seen in my life" he said looking into my eyes sincerely. "Thank you"I said as I felt my cheeks heat up and my heart jumping into my throat . "But don't you ever leave me alone somewhere again "I frowned. "I won't, I promise. Now what do you say we get out of here and go some place more quiet so we can be alone" he said in his smooth and soothing voice that could charm anyone. This may not be the smartest choice... going off with a guy you BARELY know but screw it...

"I'd love to" I said before locking my arm with his as we walked out of the club.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter even though its a bit short but please leave feedback thank you.

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