Chapter XIX: What you deserve

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After laying in bed all morning with my baby I learned how concerned she truly was about this woman. And I was tired of seeing her worry about her. I've decided it was time that I handle her myself. is the day.

After all, I have been getting that craving once again. That sound of bones crunching and the texture of fresh blood between my fingers...
I licked my lips,just thinking about it made me crave it more. And I'd be doing it for a purpose now. Taking a  life to make another one better.A life that means everything to me.

Killing isn't a one time thing.. Once you start you never stop no matter how many times you tell yourself you will. Nothing compares to the rush killing gives you.. Other than love.. But I've yet to feel that. At least I don't think I have.. The addiction to killing will never seize I'm sure it hasn't seized for the others among us that are killers as well. You see without us the world would be thrown off balance.

We are the takers that roam this earth.
The silent assassins that is ,until we strike. Even then we have the choice whether we want your last moment to be heard and remembered or silenced and forgotten.

Myself I like a little side of torture with my victims because what's the fun of it without foreplay. A smirk played on my face just thinking about wrapping my large rough hands around a living breathing humans neck once again and being able to watch the life leave someone's body for the first time in forever felt so right. I let out a chuckle causing Tiana to look at me confused.

"What's so funny?"she asked innocently. "Nothing I was just thinking about something" I answered smiling innocently.. Oh if only she knew what goes on in my head.
"Oh okay"she says kissing my cheek and laying back down. God she's so innocent,she's in for a big surprise...

She snuggled back into my chest holding on to me like a baby would his or her mother her leg straddled over mine and her head lay gently on my chest.I could feel her breath hitting my  chest making me shiver occasionally.

Soon I felt her gentle kiss on my bare chest. I smiled looking down at her as she rested her head on my chest I slowly ran my fingers through her curls occasionally getting my hand stuck but I still continued to play in her hair.

Soon she fell asleep so I decided it was time to slip out. I checked my watch the time read 9:00pm this is the typical time Stacy would get off.

I've been watching her and paying close attention to her schedule for the past week or so I grabbed my notebook out of my glove compartment after starting my car and began to reread it.

5:30am Leaves Apartment
5:55am Arrives at Work
6:00am Clocks in
6:15am begins set up
6:45am unlocks doors
10:16am goes into office
1:45pm Lunch Break
2:45pm Arrives back from lunch
8:45pm Clocks out
9:15pm Begins drive home
9:46pm Arrives home

Today is the day she closes and usually she is alone. Meaning it's the perfect opportunity to neutralize my problem tonight...

Moments later

Stacy has just set the alarm and exited the building as she began to put the keys in her car door I slowly crept up behind her. Usually I don't have to sneak around to capture my victims but in this case I had no other choice I had to catch her off guard. She must have felt my presence because she quickly tried to shove her keys into the car door and unlock it but the keys slipped and hit the ground. As she reached down to grab the keys I quickly kicked them out of her reach causing her to gasp and quickly stand up but keeping her back facing me...Aah amateur move..

"J-just let me go I don't know what I did to you but... I'll give you all the money I have and anything you want just please don't hurt me. I have no idea what you look like so I have no way of identifying you. Just tell me what you want and I'll give it to you..." She shakes clearly completely frightened by me a currently ambiguous character.

I chuckled lightly "oh you're more of a bitch than I thought you were... You honestly believe telling me you won't tell or that you have no way of identifying me will stop me from doing whatever I want to you? You're stupider than I thought you were"
"Please just let me go... W-Why me? Because I'm alone?"she questions.

"No darling it's much deeper than that you're not just a random victim, oh you don't know how premeditated this very moment was... But you'll find out. I'm not just here to scare you either you'll be begging for your life by the end of the night just wait..." I whispered into her ear clearly causing her to shiver...

"Please just let me go!" She yelled a little to loud for my liking too much screaming causes me to act in violence quicker if I were her I'd be as quiet as possible if she wants a couple more hours of life on this earth because her screaming is lowering her time more and more.

I quickly grabbed her covering her mouth muffling her Yelp as I spun her around and began to choke her against the car. A smirk grew across my face as her eyes widened I knew she remembered me and now knew exactly who I was there's something about a persons eyes that changes when they realize they really have no way out...

She tried to kick me but I quickly grabbed her leg and slammed her against the car "stop struggling or my grip will get tighter" eventually the struggle ended but that was only when
her eyes rolled to the back of her head
And her body quickly went limp....

Finally Stacy is getting "what she deserves" do you really think Stacy deserves to die at Jason's hands? Is Jason taking this too far or is he just in his actions. Is Stacy dead already?Comment what you think.

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