Chapter XIV: Thought Of You

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Jason and I continued to kiss for awhile. It was clear the both of us had been waiting for this moment for such a long time and now suddenly it's here. We just didn't wanna let it go. After awhile I had to breathe. So I slightly pushed Jason away and he smirked giving me a second before attempting to dive right back into our make out session but I kept my hand on his chest keeping his face away from mine.

A smirk still grew across his face as he suddenly pulled me toward him his smirk turning into a smile. "So are we still on tonight?"he said bringing his face close to mine again. I bit my lip "hmm I think we're still on" I pushed him away again. "Good I hope you like seafood"he says.
" Actually I do" "then you'll love where we're going tonight, wear something fancy"he smiles.

"I will don't worry is your face feeling better?"I asked caressing his cheek. "Well it is now" he says biting his lip pushing up on me again. "Stoppp jason " I pushed him away again and walked towards the couch. "Fine" he says I could feel him staring at me before I turned around to sit on the couch.

He sat next to me "So how was work today" he says grabbing my hand and locking fingers with me. "The usual.. Stacy accusing me of things and making prejudice comments towards me and even other staff but it's the same old thing"I looked at him noticing that I had his undivided attention.

"She'll get what's coming to her for being like that I promise"he says playing with my fingers "I know I just want her to get fired, I'm sick of her and having to deal with such a hostile environment"I said laying my head on his shoulder.

"You know I could uh get you a different job...a better job that even pays better"he says looking at me
"No no Jason it's okay it's too much to ask " "no it's not you're unhappy in your current job and I can get you a job some place better and I'd get to see you even more..."he explains.
"So really it's about getting to see me more?" I asked.
"No it's about making you happy... Getting to see you more is just a perk"he says smiling "I don't know Jason I'd have to think about it"

He frowned "Okay that's fine. But my offers still on the table... always" he says wrapping his free arm around my waist. "It's getting late shouldn't you be going to get ready for our date?" I ask.
He groans "but I like laying with you" I smiled slightly "Well...maybe if you're lucky, I'll let you lay with me after the date"I look back at him and wink.

He smiles as he begins to get up letting go of my hand. I walked him to the door and heard keys jingling and the door swung open. Mercedes walked in and looked at me then at Jason and smiled and then smirked. "Why hello Jason wasn't expecting to see you here"she says. "Oh I was just leaving" he says as he proceeded towards the door whilst putting his shirt back on. "Aw, it was great seeing you again though" she says "Likewise"he says stepping out of the door and turning around to look at me.

"Pick you up at 9?"he questioned. " 9 sounds great"I smiled as he pulled me in by my waist. I tried pushing him away again but his grip was pretty strong. "Remember wear something fancy for me" he smirked tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear and leaning into me as if to attempt to steal another kiss. "Okay okay I got it. I'll see you later" I said playfully pushing his face away from mine."See you later beautiful". I smiled shutting the door as he left.

As soon as the door shut I heard Mercedes practically screaming "WHAT WAS THAT?!" She said placing her hands on my shoulders shaking me "it was nothing Mercedes calm down" "No it was definitely something! You guys are REALLY officially a thing now and you didn't tell me?"she still practically yells. "We aren't a thing....w-well not yet at least, he's taking me on a second date tonight."

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