Chapter III: Obsession

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I met a girl last night. We talked pretty briefly because I had gotten some drunken fool off of her. She was gorgeous her caramel skin, so soft and her dark hair flowing down to her mid-chest. The way she walked you could tell..she knew exactly what she was doing. Her lips were so plump, I could just imagine myself kissing them over and over. And my god, her voice it's so beautiful, it could calm a raging storm.

One moment I was ready to fight that prick the next my entire persona had softened just because of this girl. I went out there to claim my next victim but this girl caught my attention, different than the girls before her, I didn't want to kill her....I couldn't imagine doing so, she's so beautiful if she died at my hands it'd be a waste;but the rush it would give me would be unbearable it'd probably last for days. She's like Mona Lisa,a masterpiece, a delicacy, so rare, and so pure, I must see her again.

I just met her and I crave to be in her presence again, every time I close my eyes all I see is her how her lips moved when she spoke, how her hips swayed when she walked she didn't even have to try. A couple words and she was glued to my mind.
I must see her again...

Tiana's POV

I woke up pretty late this morning I scrambled grabbing my uniform and getting ready quickly, making sure to brush my teeth and my hair. I quickly put it up into a bun because of course working at a cafe you can't have your hair down to avoid contamination of food and/or drinks. I grabbed my house keys and began to walk quickly down the street to the bus stop. I wish I had a car.

But of course I don't. I just moved out of my parents home into this nice apartment and I had to choose, a car and stay with my parents and commute to college or stay in an apartment off campus, walk to work and my classes. I figured I could use the exercise to avoid the freshman fifteen. But I'm a sophomore in college now and a car would be nice.  Although my college itself is the size of the city so it's pretty nice to just be able to walk to work or ride the bus.

The bus was better than walking when I'm in a hurry or running practically and getting all sweaty. But the bus had its major cons it was a city line bus meaning it works for the city not for the college I attend which is NYU I enjoy living in a big city but of course I couldn't afford to live in Manhattan which would be my dream location. I was hoping to go to Julliard School of the arts but unfortunately didn't make it in. But I got a full ride here so I'm very happy about that and a nice job at Starbucks right down the street from NYU so it's great the only bad thing about it is the area.

This area is filled with crooks,junkies,drug dealers,serial killers and men who whistle at you when you walk pass them. I eventually got used to the cat calling and the whistling but when I first moved here I couldn't stand it. My two best friends also attend NYU we met in my music theory class. I've recently applied to work at the Broadway theater which isn't far from where I live. I'm hoping to get called back for a job there period.

I wish I could audition for a play but I don't think I'd ever make call backs and it may not pay enough to support my way of life. I'm not exactly the high fashionista type but I occasionally like to buy high priced things. I mean I do live in NYC after all.

After Work
I sat at the bus stop that just happened to be right next to my job and waited for the 5 o clock bus. I was tempted to walk home seeing as I needed the exercise and a little walk but it was also getting kinda dark, it's winter now. Winters in New York can range anywhere between mild to crazy blizzard.

But today was an oddly warm day with clear skies and I wanted to take it in. So I waited and waited for the bus finally after thirty minutes it arrived as full as can be as usual. I got on the bus, paid my fee and walked down the aisle there was a man in the seat behind me he had a scarf around his neck which covered the majority of his face and then wore a hat which covered the rest he looked quite 'shady'  but I paid him no mind I mean I am in a city filled with crooks after all. He wouldn't kill me on a bus full of people. Or would he?

After about 5 minutes we arrived at my stop a couple of other people and I got off most of us turning our separate ways. I walked down the street to my apartment building by now the street lights were on and of course 'the city that never sleeps' was still wide awake taxi drivers honking their horns at pedestrians, angry drunks yelling at each other, people gambling on the side of the street etc.
Ah the lovely streets of nyc.
It wasn't until I walked around the side of my building that I noticed that this entire time I was being followed...

A/N: OMG what do you think will happen to Tiana and who do you think the guy is following her comment :)
Feel free to follow me and read my other books :) I'll be posting more often now.Tiana is in the multimedia btw

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