Chapter XII: Addiction

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She's the only thing on my mind lately. The craving of killing is still present. Just not as much as it used to be.
But her touch instead has become my craving even the slightest bit of skin contact sends shivers down my spine. Everytime I close my eyes I'm faced with her beauty. Like she's glued to the inside of my eyelids or as if she's tattooed to my brain. God and her voice, her sweet voice as smooth as silk could calm an angry beast. An angry beast? Is that not what I am? One week with her and all of my sinful ways have practically vanished. Why has she become my kryptonite so fast. Her wish is my command anything she could ever ask i'd do for her.
If it's money I'll give it to her if it's a diamond ring, if it's a bracelet. If it's a necklace it's all hers,a car it's hers hell I'd even kill someone for her. It'd be nothing new for me but for once I'd be killing for something more than a temporary high. God I swear if you just let me have her I'll give her the world. Please. Just let me have her.

I sighed as I rose from my California king bed looking to my left only wishing that Tiana was lying there. God it gets lonely here. My Butler, my housekeeper and I. That's all sure I'm not completely alone but... It's not the same. Nothing is the same as a woman's touch. It'd be amazing to have my precious rose here with me. What a beautiful Queen. I'll be her King I'll do everything for her, I'll protect her, I'll love her, I'll kill for her. And she'll be my prize my beautiful innocent delicate yet dangerous Queen. She's so perfect for me. God I need to push her to the back of my mind for awhile because she's becoming a distraction. I can't even do my job.

Before I didn't mind the danger of my job.. But now I am I have to be around for her. Not that she needs me...because she clearly doesn't...not yet. But she will. "Master Mccann" I heard a familiar voice break my thoughts but eventually it seemed as if it was Tiana's voice. I snapped out of it seeing my butler Wesley standing by my bedside with a tray. "Yes Wesley?"I asked tilting my head wondering why he was in my bedroom. "I've brought your breakfast and your schedule for today Master Mccann" he said sitting the tray in front of me. "Thank you Wesley you may be dismissed" I said still in a daze. "My pleasure Sir"he said bowing before leaving and closing my bedroom door behind him.

I sighed as I picked at my breakfast and looked over my schedule for today. Of course I had to go down to the warehouse to check on some things especially my newest apprentices. I also had to handle some more business later. I was hoping to go see Tiana at work today and hopefully see whatever bitch Stacy she was telling me about. Oh she'll get what's coming to her in sweet time.
I set my breakfast aside and walked into my bathroom turning on my shower and walking to my mirror.
I stared at the monster before me. Despite all that she's begun to change that's still what I see when I look in the mirror.

A monster.
That's all I'll ever see myself as.
But something about her makes that thought go away for a moment. I ran my fingers through my dark hair and removed my pants and boxers walking into the shower. I closed my eyes as the water ran down my bare chest. Daydreaming about Tiana and thinking  of other ways I can prove to her that she could trust me... But I'm sure it didn't help lying to her. I'm not exactly a culinary chef I mean I do cook here and there but... I've never been to college. You see I am the CEO of a major Luxury hotel franchise. Our headquarters being in Upper East Manhattan. My father just so happen to set me up for life with a company after he was released due to "tampered evidence". We used the money, from both my mothers death and my grandfathers death to start a company. My hobby/ addiction of kidnapping and murdering naïve drunken girls in my spare time was caused by my fathers own teachings.

But as long as things stay this way Tiana should never find out. It's probably best that she knows nothing about my real personal life. Especially when it comes to my addiction to killing. Just thinking about it makes me crave it more remembering what it smelt like fresh blood. What it sounded like those bloodcurdling screams, music to my ears. How I long for that feeling once again. Maybe I should go out tonight for a first hunt of the season. Spring break had just begun making it the perfect time to go hunting for my next prey. Shit...I have a date tonight. Hm maybe after... our  dates never last pass 9:30pm which I'll eventually have to change. But for now I'll stick to dating like we're practically in high school I don't mind waiting around for my queen. After all she's the first girl I haven't just slept with and slaughtered the first night. I chuckled to myself.

This girls really got me wrapped around her finger. I bet she loves it too having me on my knees for her. Hmm but the tables shall turn....

The tables must turn...
Just wanted to throw a little Jason chapter in here I'll post a longer chapter possibly later or tomorrow. I just figured most of you would be enjoying your Easter Sunday anyways so no long chapter but check out the new brave vid :) don't forget to comment vote/like and suggest this to friends I could always use more readers love y'all 😘 .

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