Chapter XVII: Veronica

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I just left my beautiful girlfriends place. I was so happy that she was finally mine but that also meant I have some loose strings to tie up.

Veronica: Babe when are you coming by I miss you.
Jason: I'm on my way now I swear just had to handle some business.
Veronica: Mm okay well I'll see you when you get here.

I sighed locking my phone.. It was great while it lasted with Veronica but I just lost interest. I've never felt the way I feel with Tiana ever. Veronica was more of a little fun... I got tired of bringing random sluts home to do things with and later getting rid of them so I made some "temporary" arrangements with her. She satisfied my needs as a man for the most part but she was more of a friend with benefit than a girlfriend I just hope she knows that.

I pulled into her driveway getting out of my black Bentley and slowly walking up to her front door. I sighed deeply ringing the doorbell. This relationship with Veronica has gone on and it was time that it ended...

The door opened suddenly her arms were crossed her hip popped out.
I smiled nervously "What's up" I said going to hug her but all she did was push me away. "You've been ignoring me for the past two there another girl satisfying you because please tell me I will gladly leave you the hell alone. You and your crazy life."
Oh did I forget to mention? She's the only one outside of my butler and housekeeper who knows about all that I do.

"Can I at least get in the door before you start with your damn accusations"
"Oh come in you won't be here long"
"What's that supposed to mean"I said furrowing my eyebrows at her.
I wasn't liking her current attitude.

"You never stay long you come we have sex and you leave like I'm nothing to you." She says walking towards the living room.
"It's not ev-"
"Save it Jason I'm sick of  this"she says folding her arms and glaring at me.
I sighed walking towards her I reached my hand out to touch her causing her to slap it away quickly I bit my lip to stop myself from growing angry.

"Stop acting like this"I said grabbing her waist causing her to shove me away
"Jason just stop. I've heard about you and your new little slut you've been prancing around the city with"she said
"Slut? Slut?" I asked turning my head to the side. She of anyone is calling Tiana a slut if anything she's the slut.

"That's right your little whore that black girl who tries to play some innocent act like she does nothing knowing damn well y'all were probably having sex before you came to me"she snarks. "No we didn't actually we were cuddling after we made it official."
She looks taking back and then smirks
"Official that she's your new side hoe?"

"Official that she's my new girlfriend Veronica which makes YOU the side hoe... That's all you ever were anyways and if you think you were something more than a booty call then you're more delusional than I thought you were." "W-what?"she says growing teary eyed. "You knew what we were how could you have thought we were more... I haven't felt actual feelings for a long time that is until I met Tiana"

"So I was nothing but sex to you?" She whispers "yes nothing more nothing less...I'm sorry I'm being honest with you but this whole thing has to end I want to be loyal and treat her right and be completely honest with her"

she smirks "oh so you've told her what you are, what type of shit you do for a living? Bet your sweet little innocent girl wouldn't like the other side of you, the true side. You probably have her fooled believing you're some rich business man who did it all himself. You say you wanna be completely honest with her then start with that...Or I'll do it for you" she begins to walk away from me. I grabbed her arm aggressively yanking her towards me.

She winced as I harshly pushed her against the wall "Are you threatening me?" "Yes"she spoke through closed teeth. I slammed her against it harder my eyes changing to a cold black color.
She winced "No-No Jason " I smirk...
"I thought so and if you ever try to threaten me again I'll make you wish you'd never met me got it?" I said my rough hands wrapping around her neck she shut her eyes tight her heart beat becoming very unsteady as well as her breathing. "Got it?!"I slightly yelled.

"Y-yes Jason I'm-I'm sorry"she stutters.
"Good you should be never try that again" I said letting go of her neck and walking away. "Guess this is goodbye then was good while it lasted" she said rubbing her neck which I realized I'd left a hand print on I never meant to hurt her that bad but I couldn't show any sympathy or I'd look weak. I dusted myself off heading for the door. "I guess it was.." I said.

"Goodbye Jason" "Goodbye Veronica"
I closed the door and got back into my Bentley heading back to Tiana's place.
I wanted to be with her tonight
I didn't want to try anything I just wanted to lay with her and I swore to her that was all that I would do. I drove back to her place and then knocked on her apartment door.

Mercedes answered the door a smirk grew across her face "can I help you?"
"Y-yea is Tiana up?" I asked nervously.
"TIANA! JASONS HERE"she yelled.
"Coming"I heard her soft voice say
She slowly made her way to the door, Mercedes walking away after she arrived.
"Hey babe, did you leave something?"she looked confused I noticed Mercedes facial expression from across the room.

"I missed you and wanted to spend more time with you" I said sighing.
"What seem upset "
She said grabbing my hands and pulling me inside with all her mite.
"I'll be fine I just need you right now"
Honestly I wasn't fine....
I'm scared...I'm scared for her and myself... I just almost killed Veronica.
Because she threatened me....

What if Tiana and I get in an argument and I do the same thing I did to Veronica to her I just don't wanna hurt her.... And I can't hurt her because it would hurt me too damn much....

Or worse what if Veronica goes through with her threat. My whole world could crumble right in front of my eyes.
A/N: Oh shit... Finally some drama.. Sorry for taking so long to update. Comment thoughts and predictions is Veronica gonna be a problem or will she keep her  word about staying quiet?

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