Chapter XIII: Magic

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Another day another dollar.

Well...barely this job barely makes ends meet and I'm not getting paid-enough to deal with the shit that I deal with. I sighed as I took another racial slur coming from Stacy's mouth oh how I wish she would finally get what's coming to her.

As usual I was on my way home from work it was slowly getting dark but I wasn't worried I walk this way everyday. I put my earphones in and turned on my music as I continued walking I turned the corner to head towards my apartment building.

As I slightly bobbed my head walking to the beat of the music I noticed someone was following me. I sighed, whoever that is might just be going the same way as me I decided to determine whether or not they were following so I turned down another street and so did they this began to worry me. I continued walking slightly picking up speed.

And...So... did... the unknown person behind me. I continued to pick up speed as I turned a corner and was followed again this time I took off I ran and reached into my purse for my pepper spray as I saw the person begin to pick up speed because I was sure they were smart enough not to cause a scene. So I continued to run the distance between us slowly increasing until suddenly I looked back and didn't see them anymore.

I began to slow down still looking behind me but I was suddenly stopped by something in front of me. A dark figure with all black on. They raised their hand and I thought I saw a gun "GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY!"I heard a deep voice yell. "I-I don't have any-- THING!" I Yelled spraying him right in the face with my pepper spray making sure to disable him. I kicked the perpetrator in the stomach and then in his manhood.

"TIANA STOP ITS ME! ITS ME!" I heard a familiar voice yell as he huddled over in pain taking off his hood he looked up at me. "Jason?! What the hell you scared me!" I said practically shaking. "I'm sorry it was a joke I just wanted to shake you up "he chuckled "but as you can see that partially didn't go as planned."he said clenching his eyes shut and then looking up at me his eyes bloodshot red.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry."I said "Yea I've learned my lesson not to mess with you, fuck my eyes hurt."he said touching his face which made it worse. "Shit!"he swore "My apartment is right there we'll go there and get you all cleaned up." I said grabbing his hand to guide him "I can't even see right now" he says slightly leaning on me.

We arrived at my apartment and I unlocked the door. "Mercedes?"I yelled. No answer.. She must be in class then. I grabbed Jason's hand and guided him to the living room and let go he stumbled over to the couch and fell down. "I'll be right back stay right there and I'll get something to help with the burning"I said "oh you don't have to worry about me going anywhere"he said making me giggle.

I went into the kitchen remembering that milk can stop the burning I took out the milk carton and also got some water for his eyes. I walked back to the couch "okay we need to wash out your eyes first cuz we wouldn't want you to go blind now would we?"I said "no I need my eyes so I can see your beautiful face"he said smirking.

I hit his shoulder "what was that for?" "Even in pain you're flirty"I said shaking my head. "Just with you though"he said "shush and come with me to the sink so you can actually see."I said getting up he reached out and ended up grabbing my waist instead of my hand but I didn't mind he held on to my hips letting them guide him to the sink. "Okay so bend over and wash your face because I mean I can't do it for you."I said and he just nodded.

After washing his face he continuously blinked. "It still hurts doesn't it?"I asked "my eyes not so much but my face is still burning"he said.
"Okay well we have something else for that"I walked back to the couch and he followed me I had soaked paper towels In milk I sat next to him turning my body to face him. I slowly wiped his face him occasionally making eye contact with me.

"Does it feel better?"I asked "a little this is so weird"he said "well it's the only way to stop the burning."I said "you went wild with that pepper spray, I think you got some on my chest too."he says "then you should probably take your shirt off"I sat back letting him take his shirt off.

He proceeded to take his shirt off touching his chest and cringing, His body was ripped but this wasn't the time to bask in his glory. "I'm sorry but now you know not to mess with me"I said sticking my tongue out at him. "Whatever"he pouts.

"Aw is someone sad cuz they got beat up by a girl?"I teased "beat up? No. But caught off guard? Yes"he says looking at me. "Oh shush I could beat you up if you were on guard too "I teased "Oh you really think so?"he asked raising an eyebrow at me. "No, I don't think I know so"I said smirking. "Wanna bet?"he asked his eyebrow still raised as if saying challenge me if you want to.

"Bet."I said smirking. "I wanna see you try right now" "no not now you're in pain". "Nah I'm good lets go"he said putting his fists up. "Stoppppp"I said grabbing his hands and attempting to put them down but he pushed me down on the couch hovering over me. "And you thought you could beat me up?"he says "I still can" I said flipping us so that I was now straddling him.

He smirked holding on to my hips. "Don't look at me like that" I said getting off of him. "Aw cmere you done fighting already?"he asked sitting up as I began to walk back into the kitchen. "You give up?" He asks grabbing on to my hips as I continue to walk. "Never " I said pushing him back away from me. I walked away and he grabbed my arm turning me back around towards him and pulling me closer before putting his hands on my hips.

"Stop Jason" I rolled my eyes trying to push him again but he grabbed my hands holding them in his. I tried to kick him but couldn't even get my knee up he started pushing me backwards using my arms until my back hit a wall.

A smirk grew across his face as he let go of my arms placing his hands on the wall he leaned into me making continuous eye contact with me. Until his lips brushed mine once again. This was the second time we were in a position like this.

He's a tease he knows exactly what he's doing. This time I took the initiative and grabbed a hand full of his hair pulling him into me. His soft lips finally connecting with mine I felt his rough hands run down my arm and then connect to my hip as he continued to kiss me passionately. The way our lips moved perfectly together was indescribable it was somewhat like magic.

It feels like magic when I'm with him.
Not sure if I believe in magic but he sure makes me want to.

And the moment you've all been waiting for lol. I tried to make it cute and tension filled I was gonna make it not happen again but I decided not to make y'all mad but drama coming up? Hmmm comment thoughts and predictions don't forget to like/vote!

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