Chapter XVI: Come Over

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Jason: off work yet. I'm in the neighborhood.
Tiana: yea I just got home so come on up.
Jason: omw 😏
I giggled at his emoji, honestly he's just gonna come over to cuddle with me and watch a few movies nothing more..
I hope he isn't getting the wrong idea.

I walked into my bathroom locking the door behind me. I took a quick shower and decided to let my hair air dry so I slipped on some soffee shorts and a cami, with a bra of course. But I was in comfy clothes. I put on some footies and decided I'd make some snacks before Jason arrived. I made some popcorn and got chips out as well as various drinks.

Just as I was done setting everything up I heard a knock on the door.
A smile grew on my face because I knew exactly who it was but when I opened the door my smile faded quickly. "Ja-Oh hi Vaani" I said trying to seem cheerful. "Oh I didn't interrupt anything did I?" She said letting herself in.
I'm really beginning not to like this chick.
"No not really just getting ready for someone to come over..." I said trying to make it obvious that I'm about to have company and would prefer to be alone. " Mercedes Home?"she asks. "No she's no-" "mind if I stay here and wait for her" "actually I'd-" "Thanks!" She said walking in pass me.

I sighed rolling my eyes all I know is she better not start anything when Jason comes. Soon after she got settled I heard another knock on the door.
I smiled once again rushing to the door. I opened the door revealing Jason he was in very relaxed attire wearing sweatpants that you could definitely see a print in and a muscle top (the sleeves are cut off) his hair wasn't completely styled either he was ready for a lazy day for sure.

"Look who came dressed to impress"I said smirking. "I try , I try"he says doing a little spin. I giggle as he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him for a hug. I squealed as he lifted me off the ground "down Jason down".
He let out a chuckle setting me down before I grabbed his hand walking to the couch.

"Hi Jason!" Said Vaani enthusiastically
I sighed. "Um...hi " he said as he sat down on the couch."So when do you think Mercedes will be here"she asks.
"Um fairly soon you can wait in her room til she comes home. Second door on the right I'll tell her you're here".
She smiled her fake smile and walked down the hall way into the room.

I sighed in relief I noticed Jason was smiling at me looking at me adoringly.
"What?"I asked "nothing just admiring you"he said reaching his calloused hand up to caress my face.
I smiled as he reached over my shoulder before playing with a curl and watching it bounce back into place.
He sat back on the couch putting his arm around me.

"What're we watching?"he asked.
"Wanna watch something scary?"
"Or oooo how about a classic! The shining!"I said excitedly.
"I'm cool with whatever you want, I love scary movies honestly especially ones with actual plots not just random killings."he chuckled slightly.

"The shining it is then"I said turning it on and leaning into him more putting my head on his shoulder causing him to crack a smile & kissing my cheek.
We were both very into the movie the lights were off and the volume was up.
Mercedes came into the door, of course she sized us both up before going into her room. By the time she came in Jason and I were fully cuddling legs intertwined and all. Jason grabbed my hand locking fingers with me while watching the movie.

I laughed at several ridiculous parts in the movies especially the scene when the husband finally goes insane and the wife is swinging a bat but totally misses and continues to scream to get him to stop. Jason even laughed at those parts.

Throughout the movie I would occasionally feel Jason shifting behind me seeing as our bodies were against one another's he tried to get more comfortable.

He'd also occasionally rub my side which felt nice but sometimes I'd have to move his hand back up if he got too close to lower regions. He'd let out a chuckle and smirk every time I moved his hand. Lord knows he'd love to take things further than they have been. But I'm simply just not ready for that honestly... Also, we're not official yet sure we're a thing but not a couple...and I'm not that kind of girl.

As the movie ended I felt Jason's slowed breaths against the back of my neck. I noticed his eyes were closed and wasn't sure if he was asleep but when I moved to get up I noticed his grip tighten and he slightly moaned in my ear. "No baby stay here" he said snuggling into my neck causing me to giggle. "Okay I'm right here Jason"His eyes opened "Shit...I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" "it's okay Jason"

"I was falling asleep sorry" he continues to apologize. "It's okay if you want we can take a little nap, if you're tired" I said looking back at him. He smiled "no I came over to spend time with you not sleep" "Well we could always sleep together". A smirk grew across his face.
"Not like that silly"I said hitting his chest. "I know, I know but I just wanna talk and lay with you."he says holding me closer to him. I smiled "Well what do you wanna talk about" I say poking him in his cheek.

"Well how was work today has she bothered you again?"he asked.
I sighed deeply biting my lip. "She basically called me a prostitute today and I can't take it anymore I wanted to just ugh!" I said causing him to chuckle "it's okay calm I said it'll all be handled I'm not letting you go through this anymore my offers still on the table" he says once again

"I know I'm thinking about it Jason I really am...I just don't know much about the job and idk if the hours will be the same especially for the sake of being able to get to classes on time"

"I can make it work for you...but I'll give you time to think about it." He says... I appreciate him offering me a job but I'm still not sure what he actually does and I don't want to be rude and ask him. "Thank you Jason..."I said laying my head on his chest. "I-I..actually wanna talk to you about something..."he says sitting up.

I sat up as well he tapped his lap.
I shook my head "you wish" I said sticking my tongue out at him.
He frowned picking up my legs and setting them across his lap and beginning to rub my bare legs.

"What is it Jason" I said watching him.
"Well...we've been getting to know each other awhile now....and... I really, really like you. I like spending time with you, I love having you around ,I love seeing your face, I love how you make me feel like I can be myself around you and you appreciate everything I do for you... And I honestly don't know how this stuff works...So I guess what I'm trying to say is will you be my girlfriend Tiana?" He says looking into my eyes his eyes filled with hope.

"Yes- yes I'll be your girlfriend, Jason"
A smile grew across his face before he kissed me passionately. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. I heard a door open but paid it no mind because why would it matter if someone saw he's mine now.
I heard a gasp and then whispering followed by the opening of another door. "I'll see you later Vaani" "See you" her voice sounded slightly sad.

Hm. Wonder what she's upset about.
I didn't care enough to stop kissing my new boyfriend. I was happy that I found a guy as perfect and handsome as Jason. I have a feeling he'll be nothing like my ex in the end and he'll actually treat me right... Jason pulled away to breathe and I smiled. Before Jason could lean back in to kiss me once again his phone rang he looked at his phone before frowning and sitting up.

"I'm sorry baby, I've gotta go but I'll text you later okay" he said. I sighed...
Great he suddenly had to go kinda suspicious but who knows maybe he had some type of appointment or something, "let me walk you to the door"I said getting up as well we walked to the door he leaned down pecking me on the lips one last time before winking and walking out the door.

Finally he's mine.
Jiana is finally together. Hella drama next chapter so be ready!
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