Chapter XVIII: His

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I woke up in my unusually comfortable bed... Nothing had changed except there was something pressed against me... The part of the bed behind me was also pressed down indicating that there was indeed another person in bed with me. I looked behind me suddenly.
Taking in a breath of relief when I found that it was just Jason,he must've fallen asleep when he came last night.

I shifted slightly getting ready to get out of the bed to begin getting ready when I felt his arm snake around my waist and I heard him groan into my ear which by the way was so sexy.
"Just where do you think you're going?" He hummed in my ear his deep and raspy morning voice sending chills down my bare spine.

"To shower" I say innocently. "Without me" he chuckles.
I was a bit taken back I'm not that type of girl and I'm sure he knows that
"I'm kidding" he says chuckling again.
He kissed behind my ear before snuggling into the crook of my neck once again and letting out a deep sigh.
"Someones comfy" I ran my fingers down his soft yet strong arms.

"Very "he says tightening his grip.
"Are you gonna let me go? Or will I have to pry you from around me?"
"Guess you'll have to pry me because I'm not budging I want you to stay"
I giggled slightly because his breath was tickling me as well as his stubbly chin.. He began to kiss my shoulder.

Jason is being very affectionate this morning it's so cute but he's going to make me very late for work...
"Jasonnnn" I attempted to whine but it came out as almost a moan.
He bit his lip "Yes baby?" He asks directing all of his attention to me.
"I have to go as much as I'd love to I can't lay in bed with you all day jase"

"Yes you can shh" he says running his rough hands down my bare thighs.
"No I can't she'll fire me if I'm late again babe " I said turning to face him.
"Stacy? She'll get what's coming to her for everything she's said to you, she should've been fired a long time ago"
I sighed... "You always say she'll get what's coming to her..but she still hasn't And I'll bet that she never will"

"Patience my darling"he says caressing my cheek. I frowned slightly causing him to do so as well before leaning in to kiss me. I closed my eyes taking in the soft kiss as his lips lingered before mine moments after the kiss. He opened his mouth to say something but his phone rang. He let out a harsh sigh and grabbed his phone looking at the screen in shear disgust with the person whom interrupted our Romance..

"Who's that?"I asked out of curiosity.
"No one important"he says before pecking my lips once again... I felt odd like he was keeping something from me. But it's probably nothing. I quickly shake the thought as he continues pecking my lips causing me to smile.

He pulls away frowning "what's wrong?" He asks "nothing Jason"
He tilted his head as if he knew I was lying. "What are you thinking about?"
"Nothing I was just overthinking babe don't worry about it please.." He smiled
"Okay so are we gonna lay here all day because that sounds like fun imagine all we can do just laying in bed" he winked at me. "Oh stop."I said hitting him in his chest, he rubbed it soon after.

"And maybe later I can take you out for dinner and a movie then back to my place for the night?" He says rubbing my side. "Oh no we are so not gonna start that Jason."I scolded "please babe... This is just one time one night okay I've never slept better than when I'm in bed with you, I don't know what it is" he looked sincere "maybe... I'll think about it because I don't wanna start making a habit out of this as much as I like having you around we have to have time to ourselves and we can't start sleeping together every night babe"

"why not?whats wrong with that?"
"Because then we'll get too attached"
"I don't know about you but I would love to be attached to you Babygirl"
He winks pulling in my waist I attempted to push him away but he only tightened his grip nuzzling into the crook of my neck and leaving wet butterfly kisses there almost as if he wanted to form hickies which was a no no. "Mm" he groaned into my ear "Jason McCann stop it" "I love it when you say my name"he mumbles in my ear.

I rolled my eyes "ugh Jason get off of me" I squirmed under him. "No cuz then you'll leave me and I don't want that you're mine. Got it?" He says sturnly. "If I'm yours then you're mine too" I said looking into his eyes. "Of course and yours only" he says bringing his attention back to my neck as he began to kiss a little rougher.

I almost moaned "Stop Jason" I slapped his arm. "Tiana! You still here?!" Yelled Mercedes. "Y-Yes I'm in my room!" I yelled back. "Babe okay get off my friend is coming " I said.
"Nah I'll pass" he says continuing his previous motions. I heard my bedroom door open. "Oh...well hello there " she smirks. "Don't ask he won't stop" I laughed "you and I both know you don't want him to either" he slightly nibbled causing me to have to bite my lip to keep from making noises while talking to my bestfriend "what did you need?"I asked as Jason had stopped kissing me for a moment resting his head there causing me to smile.

"I just wanted to know if you were staying home today cuz I wanted to go to Manhattan to shop but my question has been answered"she says smirking.
"Shush it's not what you think he just won't let me leave. He's gonna get me fired" "good because you'll never quit".
"Oh shut up.." "No really you get treated like crap there and you never leave..."she says which was 100% true...
I deal with horrible situations and I wait for things to get better. Instead of just eliminating myself from the equation..

"Well now I'll have no choice "I slightly laughed but then noticed Jason's breathing pattern change. His breathing was slowed and drown out.
"Right well I see you're busy so I'll leave you alone" she whispers
"I think he's sleeping" I said looking down at him.
"Aw you guys are so cute Tiana..I'm soooo happy for you guys. I'll just take Vaani with me to go shopping see ya".

I nodded as she walked out of the door.
I looked down at my sleeping boyfriend. His slow breathing his heartbeat somewhat similar to a drum.
He was so beautiful and peaceful Jason looked like he had a hard shell but on the inside he was soft or at least for me.

God I'm really falling for this kid... What do I do... I'm scared. Falling too fast can hurt me worse then the last.
I rubbed up and down his back slowly.
Earning grunts and groans from him as I ran my fingers through his hair slightly pulling at his ends causing him to groan into my ear occasionally...

I'm so glad to call him mine.
But I'm prouder to be his.

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