Chapter IV : Stalked

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I stopped dead in my tracks as I noticed the man following me. My heart was jumping out of my chest, "Hello?" I ask as if that'd help anything. He continues to come closer. I turn and run... right... into...a brick wall. I mentally facepalmed. Suddenly I was grabbed and pushed against a wall before I could try to run the other way. I screamed "HELP!" "Shh!!"he covers my mouth.

I widened my eyes as I took in his features it was the same guy from the club. He followed me home, he now knows where I live and I was sure that he might rape or even kill me when he gets the chance. I quickly hit him in his stomach as hard as I could and ran, as I exited the alley way I ran straight into something rock hard. "Great another wall" I thought to myself. But was caught by surprised when I felt hands on my hips, I slowly looked up and met his beautiful soft grey orbs. As I took in his appearance I realized it was Jason, the man that saved me from the guy in the club. Whom I was currently trying to get away from once again.

Kinda scary how he just so happened to be walking by my apartment complex but thank god he was here. "Heyy"he said lowly his eyes not leaving mine. "H-hey! It's you again uh-um Jason right?"I tried to seem natural as if nothing was going on. "Yea Tiana wasn't it?"he said flashing his gorgeous smile "in the flesh" I said smiling "well I wouldn't have expected to ever run into you again, or for you to run into me" he said chuckling slightly "Pun intended?"I giggled lightly. "Completely, so what brings you around here?"he asks.

"Well I should be asking YOU that question but I live here."she says pointing to the building behind them. "Oh wow I have a friend that lives here, it's quite nice. How long have you lived here?"he asked as I noticed the guy come from the alley way he seemed to be intimidated by Jason he glared at him and walked away. I didn't think he noticed until he asked with a hint of anger.

"The hell was that guy doing here?" "No idea. Anyways, I've been here since I was 18"I said quickly getting off of the previous subject. "Wow and how old are you now if I may ask"he said a little cautiously. "I'm 21 actually"I said "I'm 22"he said smiling "well that's good to know I mean you don't look old" I laughed awkwardly "yea neither do you" he laughed "well, I'll be going now nice seeing you again" I said as I turned to walk away.

"Hey wait!" He said causing me to turn around and raise an eyebrow "so um my friend is having a party tonight and there'll be drinks, a Dj , a couple celebrities maybe because of course it's New York but it's at a club that a friend of mine owns. Would you maybe wanna come by and hang out? I'd love to get to know you more."he said with a charming smile.

"I'll think about it what's the address just in case " I smirked "I could just text it to you...that is if you don't mind"he said scratching the back of his head. "Oh sure of course"I said before pulling out my phone and handing it to him. He put his number in before handing it back to me, I texted him "Hey, it's Tiana" "See you tonight"he winked "maybe!"I said as we walked our separate ways.

It still seemed a bit strange to me that he just so happened to be "in the area" and has a friend that lives in the same apartment building.  But hey coincidences happen it's a small world after all so I brushed the thought off and prepared to party tonight.

A/N: So what did you guys think?
What are Jason's intentions with her? Will the guy from the bar ever leave her alone? Is it just a coincidence that Jason just so happened to have "a friend" that lives in the same apartment building as Tiana who knows comment your thoughts sorry it took so long to update.

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