Chapter 59

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Okay, little side note, the Arrow episode Emerald Archer is probably my favorite episode of the season yet, since it has officially restored my faith in the show, since spoiler alert, Team Arrow is officially back in business baby. And now onto the story.

"Guys, I got a lock on Thomas's cold signature." Winn said.

"Where is he?" Oliver asked.

"I looks like he's at an airfield in Pennytown. Halpin Brace Airfield." Winn said and Oliver nearly cursed since if that wasn't confirmation that Snow was working with Church, he didn't know what was.

"Can you pull up satellite imaging of the area. Thomas's powers will give him enough of an edge, I want to know if we have any other surprises to look forward to." Oliver said and Winn nodded.

"It looks like Snow has a partner." Winn said as he zoomed in.

"Tobias Church. It looks like you were right." Thea said to her brother.

"You think Thomas took Moira because he knows who Thea is?" Laurel asked.

"I don't know, but I have my suspicions. If he does, there's chance he knows who all of us are, which doubles the need to get him before he tells Church or anyone else." Oliver said.

"Sara is going to be sorry she missed this." Roy said.

"Sounded like Alex made this trip to Central City non optional. Apparently it's some sort of family get together for the Danvers, though Sara didn't seem to protest too much." Laurel said.

"Sounds like Alex has Sara wrapped around her finger." Thea said.

"She does." Laurel confirmed.

"Enough. Suit up and move out. Every second we waste puts mom in more danger." Oliver said.

"Wait, should we reach out to Lyla. Last time I checked, metas fell into Argus's purview and if we're going up against that and Church's army, it would be nice to have one of our own." Roy said.

"I'll call Lyla. You guys get there." Winn said.

"Good." Oliver said as they all moved to suit up.

Moira was currently tied up and gagged in a chair in a hangar on the airfield, completely terrified as she watched Thomas talk to Church.

"Still don't understand why you kidnapped her." Church said.

"You want the Green Arrow, you need bait and nothing like a rich old lady will bring him running." Icicle said.

"How do you know he'll come for her or that we even have her?" Church asked, right as an arrow hit the ground, exploding, sending them flying back.

"They know." Icicle said as the smoke cleared and sure enough, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Arsenal and Frostbite were standing there.

"Argus is on the way, hold the fort until they get there." Winn said over the comms.

"Copy that. Canary, Arsenal, deal with the troops, Frostbite, think you can handle snow?" Green Arrow asked.

"It will be my genuine pleasure." Frostbite said since she'd always wanted to kick her father's ass and now she had a chance to.

"What are you going to do?" Arsenal asked.

"I'm gonna get Mrs. Queen to safety. I'll join you after." Green Arrow said and they nodded as they moved out.

"Not so fast." Church said as he got in Green Arrow's way towards Moira.

"Get out of my way Church. This will be your only warning." Green Arrow growled as he aimed an arrow at Church, fully intending to kill him if necessary. He would not let his mother die again because he hesitated to save her.

"Only to get to her is through me." Church said as he bashed his bronze knuckles together.

"As you wish. But don't say I didn't warn you." Green Arrow said as he let his arrow fly, but Church managed to dodge last minute before charging at him.

Frostbite was currently facing Icicle.

"So, you're Frostbite. I have been waiting to meet you for a long time." Icicle said.

"And what should I call you. I'm guessing that Thomas doesn't have that villainous flair I'm sure you'd like." Frostbite asked.

"Call me, the Icicle. Here's a clue why." Icicle said as he ice blasted her, only for Frostbite to intercept it with her own ice blast.

"Impressive. But do you really think you can beat me?" Icicle asked, right as his daughter ducked down and ice blasted the ground so he lost his footing before using the ice to move at almost flash speeds and then encased her fist in a larger icy fist, which she then used to punch her own father in the gut.

"Yes, yes I do." Frostbite said.

"Not bad." Icicle said as she held him down by ice blasting him.

"Why did you kidnap Moira Queen?" Frostbite demanded.

"Because she kept you from me." Icicle said, much to Frostbite's shock.

"Yes, i know who you are. Where do you think your powers came from?" Icicle said.

"She was trying to protect me from you and your insanity." Frostbite said.

"She lied to me, told me you were his child and cut me out of your life." Icicle said.

"And I'm better off because of that. But why work with Church?" Frostbite asked as she continued ice blasting him.

"Mutually beneficial. We both need your brother out of the way to get what we want, since yes, I know who the Green Arrow is. Church wants the city and I want you. Both of which can only be achieved by eliminating him and Moira Queen was the perfect bait to draw him out." Icicle said.

"Yeah well, something tells me you should've brought more backup." Frostbite said as Arsenal and Black Canary joined them.

"Green Arrow's on Church and his army is unconscious. Argus reinforcements just arrived." Arsenal said.

"We'll finish this later." Icicle said, since he knew a lost cause when he saw one and to Frostbite's surprise, he actually flew away.

"He can fly. I wonder if I can fly to." Frostbite wondered.

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