Chapter 37

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A few days after Sara and Alex returned to Star City, they were on their way back to Alex's apartment after their date when suddenly, Alex felt a sharp pain in her neck and she reached to pull out what it was that had hurt her.

"You okay?" Sara asked, right as she felt the same pain in her own neck.

"What was that?" Alex asked.

"I don't know." Sara said as they both suddenly lost conscious.

When Sara came to, she found herself disarmed of all the weapons she carried on her person and she was chained to chair.

"Alex." Sara called out, panicking when she didn't see or hear her girlfriend anywhere.

"Oh, don't worry yourself over Ms. Danvers." A familiar voice that until now Sara had only heard in her nightmares said and Sara took a deep breath as she swallowed her fear as the door opened and she saw a mask that still haunted her.

"You should be more worried about what I'm going to do to you." Slade Wilson said as he approached her.

"You son of a bitch. Oliver told me you were dead." Sara snarled.

"And he told your family the same thing about you didn't he. Clearly, he's not good at determining whether or not people are dead." Slade said.

"I see you still the goodbye present he gave you though." Sara said, since Slade was missing his right eye.

"He came closer than anyone else ever has to killing me." Slade acknowledged.

"Ollie beat you once, he'll beat you again." Sara said.

"The only reason he beat me was because I got overconfident and he took advantage of the sinking ship we were on. And I will get my revenge on him soon enough. But for now, I think I'm going to focus on our little reunion." Slade said.

"Where's Alex?" Sara demanded.

"Let's just say that your little girlfriend is going to get a taste of what you did to me." Slade said and it took Sara a minute to figure what that meant.

"The Mirakuru?" Sara asked and Slade nodded with a sick grin.

"Indeed. The woman you love will become the instrument of your destruction." Slade said.

"You're insane. The mirakuru could kill her." Sara said, though she knew that kidnapping her and Alex would do a lot more than just get Oliver's attention.

"She's stronger than that. After all, you wouldn't have fallen for her if she wasn't. I'm showing her the true cost of loving you." Slade said and Sara thrashed against her chains angrily.

"Good luck escaping those bonds Sara. You may be good, but you're not that good. And don't bother trying to use your powers. This room is equipped with a sonic dampener. You can't even whistle." Slade said with a sick laugh before leaving Sara alone while she screamed after him.

"Get back here you coward! You touch her and I'll kill you!" Sara shouted as she continued to struggle.

"Any word from Sara yet?" Oliver asked Winn.

"Nope, no luck tracking her phone and she's not popping up on facial recognition." Winn said and Oliver was beginning to get more worried.

"Laurel, any luck in contacting her?" Oliver asked.

"Nope, she's not answering her phone either." Laurel said.

"Spartan, Frostbite, Arsenal, any luck?" Oliver asked the three of their teammates who were out searching for Sara in the field.

"No luck here." Spartan said.

"I got nothing." Frostbite said.

"Same here." Arsenal said.

"Return to base so we can plan our next move." Oliver said.

"Copy that." Spartan said.

"Ollie I'm getting worried." Laurel said.

"We'll find her Sara." Oliver said.

"How, I can't even track her off her canary cry." Winn said as Lyla entered their lair.

"Looks like I came to the right place." Lyla said.

"Lyla, what are you doing here?" Oliver asked.

"Director Danvers is missing. I came here to see if maybe she was with you, but I see that's not the case." Lyla said.

"Sara's missing to. We should work together on this." Oliver said and Lyla nodded.

"Come to Argus HQ. Something tells me we'll have better luck there." Lyla said.

"Wait, are we allowed there?" Laurel asked.

"With Alex gone, I am the acting director of Argus." Lyla assured them.

"Have you contacted your superiors yet?" Oliver asked, knowing that Kara would be a big help in locating Alex and Sara.

"Not yet." Lyla said.

"Well you probably should." Oliver said and Lyla nodded.

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