Chapter Forty-six

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Dee's P.O.V

I sit back on the bed holding my chest when I feel a random burst of pain. Not my pain though, it's Virgil's. 

"Something's wrong with Virgil," I say when the pain subsides.

V: Dee... Logan... Pat... Can anyone hear me...?

D: Virgil, what's wrong?

P: Virge? Where are you kiddo?

V: Umm... I'm a f-few blocks from the guild hall but I can't... I can't go any f-further on my own... Everything hurts and I think I l-lost a lot of blood...

L: We are on our way now. Hang tight Virge.

V: I feel kind of dizzy guys... I'm really tired... I-I really wanna sleep... So tire-

P: Virgil stay awake!

V: ...

D: Guys... I think he's starting to fade...

"Guys we have to go. I think Virgil's starting to fade..." I tell them and we pop into the real world. Thankfully Thomas is still at the guild hall and the other's are already there. 

"Patton told me you said that Virgil was fading, is that true?" Roman asks me with the fear evident in his voice. I close my eyes to concentrate on Virgil's presence but it's weak. Devin isn't blocking me anymore but I'm not sure if that's a good sign or not. Come on... 

"I found him. He's a few blocks away in the alley by the liquor store. Let's go," I say. 

"Wait. Let me and Thomas go. I'll get him back to his room and when Thomas gets back here you guys can meet us there," Roman says. Patton asks why but Logan tells him that it's best if they go alone. 

"We do not know what condition he is in and too many people may overwhelm him," Logan explains.

Virgil's P.O.V

After Dee left yesterday Devin switched locations and decided that I needed to be punished for helping both of them get away.

As soon as we reached the new warehouse he started on my punishment. There were a lot of beatings, cutting and even stabbing. I know he could feel it too but he didn't care because he also knew I could feel it. I wanted to take over so I could stop it but I couldn't so that when I did take over, I could stay in control longer. Right now I'm making my way to the guild hall on foot. 

When I get a few blocks away my vision starts becoming blurry so I stumble into an alleyway next to a liquor store. I'm not gonna make it the rest of the way. I pull up the sleeves of my jacket to look at the long deep gashes on each arm. I'm pretty sure the wounds on my stomach are also still bleeding. Same as the cut running through my guild mark. I need help...

V: Dee... Logan... Pat... Can anyone hear me...?

D: Virgil, what's wrong?

P: Virge? Where are you kiddo?

V: Umm... I'm a f-few blocks from the guild hall but I can't... I can't go any f-further on my own... Everything hurts and I think I l-lost a lot of blood...

L: We are on our way now. Hang tight Virge.

V: I feel kind of dizzy guys... I'm really tired... I-I really wanna sleep... So tire-

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