Chapter Forty-Four

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Devin's P.O.V

"Virgil are you still in there?" Dee asks. What's wrong Virge? Nothing to say. 

"Sorry Virgil can't come out right now," I tell him with a condescending smile. Just let him go. 'I can't do that. I wanted to kill Carsen first but I suppose Dee can take his place.' You know I won't let that happen. 'Like how you weren't going to let me hurt Carsen. Face it, you used up the energy you had left to go see your boyfriend.' 

"Please, if you are still in there Virgil remember what I told you before. You're stronger than you know... You are stronger than Devin. We found a way to help you but we can't do that if you don't give us the chance," he says softly and Virgil tries fighting me for control again. 

'You think a few kind words from the person who told you to kill yourself will help anything! You are not strong enough Virgil! You never will be!' I will take back over and once you are out of me... I will make you pay for everything you've done. That's a promise.

Virgil's P.O.V

"N'oubliez jamais qui vous êtes l'amour/Never forget who you are love," Dee says and a memory flashes through my mind. 

["Something feels off Dee," I tell him as I take a seat on his bed. He walks over from his desk to sit next to me. 

He observes me for minute with obvious concern before asking, "What do you mean? Are you alright love?" I shake my head and look down at the floor. 

"I don't feel like myself. After everything with Devin I just... don't feel like me anymore. Do you think it has something to do with what happened after he faded?" I ask. He grabs my hand saying that he isn't sure but it's possible. 

"I know that what happened is hard, especially on you but eventually we will be okay love. N'oubliez jamais qui vous êtes l'amour," he says. Giving him a weird look I ask what that means. "Never forget who you are love," he translates.]

"What the fuck does that mean?" Devin asks annoyed. I can do this. I can take control again, I just need to focus. Come on Virgil... You cannot be serious. 'Shut up.' Do you actually believe you are strong enough to beat me? 'Shut up.' Just give up. 'I said shut the hell up.' 

"Nothing you say and nothing you do will ever change anything! Why are you even fighting to save him Dee?! Join me and we can make Virgil and Roman pay for how they hurt you," Devin says trying to manipulate him. Dee doesn't respond. He looks down, almost like he's considering it. 

"Think about it for a minute Dee. He broke your heart... We can make him pay for that. He left you for that dim witted Prince even after he told you that he loved you. I know you hate them. He tried to lock you away, hell he did lock the others away," he says. Dee still doesn't respond. Is he actually thinking about this?! 

"He doesn't care about you or the others. Of course he was strong enough to go see Roman but not strong enough to save Carsen? He barely even tried..." Devin tells him. "Being in his body, I can feel what he feels and you know what he felt when I did what I did to Carsen? He secretly enjoyed it. I can feel how much he loathes you and the others," he continues saying. 

Finally Dee says, "You're lying. I know you're lying because not only am I the physical embodiment of deceit but I also know Virgil. He would give his life for Carsen, for any of us and I don't hate any of them. Even Roman. You will pay for what you did to Carsen. To Virgil. To all of them." 

That's the Dee I fell in love with in... He cared more for others than for himself. I'm done messing around. I feel Devin's anger rise as he uses my Dark Beam spell. Thankfully Dee is fast enough to dodge it and then throw a lightning bolt but it only hits in front of us. He doesn't want to hurt me but if he doesn't fight back he'll get hurt. I may not be able to take control of my body yet but since he's distracted I might be able to use my mind.

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