Chapter Twenty-six

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Carsen's P.O.V

"Dee, I need to talk to you. I think this is going too far. You almost got Virgil killed twice! What if Virgil was right and you taking control of Thomas will eventually kill us," I say walking into his room. 

I'm Jealousy and yes I am jealous of Virgil because Dee loves him but that is not the reason I'm questioning him. I'm questioning him because yes, we are the dark sides but that doesn't mean we have to be evil! Look at Virgil! Although he's with the light sides he is still technically one of us, a dark side. All we are is the emotions and thoughts everyone has but don't really like, so call us dark sides.

At first I was all aboard the plan to get rid of the light sides but now, I just want everyone to be okay. I may be a dark side but I'm aloud to have good emotions. I'm okay with being the one that causes Thomas' to be jealous about things, it's normal. Honestly, I kinda understand why Virge did what he did. He's the anxious side which means when he thinks something will hurt our host he stops it. He was the main one who helped take out Devin, or Depression, ten years ago. The bad thing is after Devin faded, Virgil absorbed part of him.

Despite being the anxious side he used to be almost as angry as Hunter, all the time. After he absorbed what was left of Devin though he became quiet and distant. He would disappear for days at a time. Either in his room or wandering the mindscape. Then he met Patton and I saw something in Virgil I hadn't seen since we were kids. He was excited and wanted to learn more about the light sides. So, he would ask me to teleport him into Logan's library. Something we used to do as kids was move around his books, just to piss him off.

I was jealous of the attention he got from Patton and stopped helping him. But then I guess he found something in there that convinced him our plan would fail and kill us. When we refused to let it go, he locked us away. Dee was the only one to escape due to his illusion magic. We were stuck in that cage for seven years and he was able to live with them. I was mad and extremely jealous for awhile. I hated him but the last two years I started to wonder if he was right. So here I am trying to convince Dee to stop. 

"Carsen, are you backing out? Because I will gladly lock you back in that cage!" he yells at me. 

"N-No, I wouldn't do that. I-I just thought, never mind," I quickly walk out. I'm sorry Dee...

I get into my room, lock the door and look for the bracelets I stole from Roman. Not sure why he made them but they block telepathy. I don't want him to find out so Virgil will need one too. After slipping one on I teleport to Virgil's room and wait for him. He's probably with Roman. I would've stopped Hunter sooner but I had to wait until Dee wasn't watching. 

This is taking too long, if I'm not back soon Dee might notice. I decide to teleport into Roman's closet and look for him. 

"Just hang tight kiddo, Thomas will be back at the house soon. Aww, poor guy, he's out like a light," I hear Patton say. Shit! 

I hear Logan's voice next, "Virgil, let us know if he wakes up."

The door shuts and I slowly open one of the closets doors to peek out. Good, they're gone. Before I can talk myself out of it I go behind Virgil and cover his mouth, then teleport into his room. I quickly put his bracelet on and I notice his eyes turn white. Looking to his window I see the storm forming. 

"Virgil, please calm down, I didn't come here to hurt you!" I quickly say. Without warning he uses his Shade spell to get behind me and wrap his arm around my neck. 

"Then why are you here Carsen? Trying to hurt Roman more or maybe one of the others?" he asks. I tap his arm to get him to loosen his grip and let me talk. 

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