Chapter Thirty-eight

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Patton's P.O.V

"I can't do that," I tell him. He then explains it to us about me being the leader of the light sides and that I just didn't know about it. "Why isn't Virgil here? Where is he? And why did we have to leave so urgently?" Dee asks looking at each of us. Logan is the one to explain what happened. 

"Virgil lost control of his magic again. He said that his Death Predation spell was building up and that we needed to leave," he says. 

He looked so scared when we left. I really hope he's okay. Dee asks why we had to leave completely though. Logan opens his archive magic and explains that he started recording every time something happened with Virgil's magic. He selects a file which shows video and audio of what happened from Logan's point of view.

[Virgil falls to the ground holding his head. 

"Virgil! What is it?" I ask running over. 

"I-I don't know but it hurts! What is happening to me?!" he says before screaming out in pain. "Logan!" he yells, "Get everyone out of here! Now! Carsen take Roman to get Dee and leave the mindscape!" he breathes in and closes his eyes. 

"We're not leaving you here!" Patton yells out. He opens his eyes which are now pitch black. 

In a distorted voice he yells, "Logan, you promised me! I can't control this one! This wave will wipe out every living thing in the compound! Now kill me or leave! NOW!"]

"Logan? What did you promise him?" I ask hoping it's not what I think it is. He plays another video...

["No, but I need you to promise me something. If I ever try to hurt you guys again I want you to do whatever it takes to stop me. If you have to... kill me. Promise me Logan," Virgil says. 

I look at him shocked, "You cannot make me promise that Virgil. Think about Patton, Thomas, Carsen, Hunter! Roman! Me! Do not make me promise that. I cannot kill a friend..." I stand up, looking away from him. 

"Logan... please? You are the only person I can ask this of because I know the others won't," he pleads while grabbing my arm. 

I finally look back at my friend to see tears threatening to fall so I reluctantly respond, "Alright but only if I have absolutely no other option! Understand?"]

Logan's P.O.V

"Why would you promise that?!" Roman yells stepping closer to me. 

"I didn't have a choice," I respond as calmly as I can. 

Patton speaks up saying, "You always have a choice Logan, you could've said no." I shake my head telling them that I really couldn't say no. 

"Logan, why couldn't you say no?" Thomas asks me. 

I try to keep myself calm as everyone other than Dee starts either yelling or asking me to explain. 

Another minute passes of them all talking at once and I finally snap saying, "I said yes because I knew it was the only way to save him! I knew that if I said no he may have taken it upon himself to make sure he could not hurt us! I would rather die myself than have to find him bleeding to death in a bathtub again! I was the one to find him like that!"

"With that promise it meant that I would have the chance to help him figure out what was wrong! That is what I have been doing everyday since I promised him that! None of you have any right to judge me for that!" I finish as I push past everyone and go outside to take a breath. I may regret yelling at everyone like that, especially Patton but for now I just need air. 

Seeking Control: A Sanders Sides TaleWhere stories live. Discover now