Chapter Thirteen

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Virgil's P.O.V

Dad🐶: Are you okay? You didn't eat much.😔

Virge💜: im alright i just wasn't that hungry

Dad🐶: Okay.😇😋 I love you son! 💜

Virge💜: you too dad

Patton text me not long after I left but it's a few hours later now. I really want to keep practicing my magic and I don't want anyone else to see my fear magic. I doubt anyone will be in the imagination at this time and I don't think Prince has changed anything. Plus, there's also that remote he gave to Logan. It should be in there. I make up my mind and stand up, putting my phone in my jacket pocket before leaving. I don't want to use my invisibility because I need to conserve my energy.

Taking a deep breath I step into the hallway and walk towards the imagination. The thing is I have to walk by each of the other sides rooms. I'll just have to be quiet. Quietly I make my way past Princey's room and continue down the hall but trip. 

"Shit!" I say in a whisper. 

Mine and Princey's rooms are separated by a wall from Logan and Patton's so I don't think they heard me. I doubt Princey heard me either, he's a bit of a heavy sleeper. I stand up and continue past the others rooms without incident.

Once I make it to the imagination I look around for the remote but I can't find it. Logan must've taken it with him. Guess I'll deal without it and Princey didn't change anything yet anyway. 

Okay, I just need to remember what Logan said. I just need to focus on my emotional anchor, Prince. I close my eyes and take a deep breath trying to focus on creating a common fear, spiders. Opening my eyes I see spiders start coming up out of the ground. Okay, it worked. I get rid of the spiders and try focusing on another common fear but something happens. I hear a familiar voice start screaming in my head. You're going to kill them all!

Roman's P.O.V

I'm in my room writing down some ideas for Thomas' next video when I feel the need to check on Virgil. I hope he's alright. I grab a shirt and walk out of my room. As soon as I step out I'm hit with the feeling of danger. 

"Requip." I say quietly before changing into my normal clothes and a sword in my hand. 

Cautiously, I approach his room with a pit of fear in my stomach. I open his door only to find him nowhere in sight. 

"Virgil?" I ask confused. 

Looking at his clock I realize it's 11 at night, "I should get the others."

I go to Patton's room first and knock, "Patton, wake up. I can't find Virgil." 

I wait to hear movement on the other side before walking to Logan's door. 

"Logan, get up," I say. 

They exit their rooms in confusion and Patton asks, "What do you mean you can't find him?" 

After showing them his empty room I ask where they think he might be. Logan is the first to respond, "I believe he may be in the imagination." Why there? 

"Logan's right but something's wrong, I can't open a link," Patton says.

With that statement we quickly make our way to the imagination. Entering the imagination we are met with a raging storm and in the distance a dark figure on the floor. I try to get closer but a dark shadow lashes out at me. I quickly requip my light sword into my hand and cut through it. 

"What was that?" I ask in shock. Getting closer to the figure we realize it's Anx. He's surrounded by the same shadow that attacked us a moment ago. I want to move and I want to help him but I freeze up. 

"His magic is out of control!" Logan yells out over the storm.

"What do we do Logan?" Patton calls out over the storm. 

Seemingly out of nowhere Thomas pops up, "What's happening I had the feeling something was wrong with Virgil." 

It doesn't take him long to notice Virgil and realize what's happening. Another dark shadow lashes at Thomas but he destroys using his light magic by creating a sphere of light and shooting it at it. Patton uses his air magic to create a shield around us so we can hear Logan.

"We need to snap him out of it. To do that we need to figure out what emotion triggered this," Logan says. 

I hear Anx voice as I remember something he said to me. [I don't want them to come true.. I don't want to hurt anyone.] 

I quickly say, "Fear. It has to be fear." 

Logan looks at me with a questioning expression. He asks if I'm sure and how I know. 

"I probably shouldn't say this but you need to know. He's been having horrible nightmares and in them he told me we die.. Because he kills us with his magic. He's been terrified it will come true," I explain.

"That is why he came to me," Logan says to himself but we hear and Patton asks what he means. 

"Nothing, we need to control his fear. He needs his anchor and I think that it is you," he says. I step back a bit. "Me? How-- Get back!" I yell out when Virgil screams. A black sphere shoots out from all around Virgil. Patton manages to block it by strengthening his shield. We look in front of us and see the grass around us has died. We all look at each other because we know that magic. It's black magic.

As we're trying to figure out how to get close enough for me to try and snap him out of it another black waves shoots out. 

"I can't keep this up, that wave is strong and my magic is draining every time it hits us." Nakagami Armor. Right, I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner. 

"I might know what to do but I can't use this particular armor long because it drains too much of my magic. There's also the chance I won't be able to requip into it at all. My Nakagami armor, it can dispel magic," I tell them. 

We quickly make a plan. Thomas and Logan will use their magic to keep the shadow attacks at bay. While they're doing that Patton will guard them using his air magic.

"Let's do this on three. One. Two. Three," as soon as Thomas says three I run out into the storm, straight to Virgil. 

With only a few feet between us a shadow grabs at my legs tripping me but disappears when Logan shoots a light arrow at it. I quickly get back up and notice the black magic spell coming for me. I try to requip into my Nakagami Armor but it doesn't work. No! It's going to hit me. I try to requip again and close my eyes only to open them a second later seeing Logan's blue archive magic shielding me. I'm also wearing my Nakagami Armor. 

Finally in the clear I run up behind Virgil to see him holding my lifeless body and the others laying in front of him. I ignore the scene in front of me and try to snap him out of it.

Virgil's P.O.V

"Don't worry, when it happens you'll enjoy it," I hear. 

I'm supposed to wake up now! If I can't wake up then this isn't a dream. They really are dead? I just cry. I'm not sure for how long. 

"Anx, look at me. Listen to my voice, this isn't real. It's not real! You need to snap out of it!" I hear someone's voice in the distance but don't pay much attention to it. 

Instead I keep crying, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" 

Without warning something pulls Prince away from me. 

"Virgil, I need you to wake up! You need to snap out of it, this will never be you. Ever. I will never let this happen to you! Please, Virgil snap out of it!" I hear the voice again and I swear it's Roman's.

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