Chapter Twenty-three

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Logan's P.O.V

"I lost the connection, damn it!" I shout frustrated. 

Patton looks at me shocked before softening his expression. 

"We'll find him, Lo. He said he was headed towards something right? We just have to find out what," Patton says. 

Taking a deep breath I pull up my archive magic again. I notice Roman pacing nervously and mumbling to himself. He looks over at me with an expression I cannot place. 

"Logan, doesn't your archive magic store your telepathic discussions?" he asks, 

"Can you play back what he said?" Doing as he requested I play the recording back out loud.

[V: I'm headed tow-- fi--. I-- --ded to--rds a feil--.]

"A field!" Patton shouts startling both me and Roman. "He was trying to say he was headed towards a field. Can't you look at a map and try to figure out which one by the way he was heading?" he says. 

Speechless, I do as he says and pull up a map of the area. Now, I can track his trajectory to see which field he may have ran towards. 

"Alright, there are two possible destinations that are the same distance from us. Roman can you make something that can get us in the air?" I ask and he shakes his head. 

"Not with the magic power I have left," he says. 

Before I can think of anything else Patton speaks up saying, "I can." 

Thomas, Roman, Patton and I run outside to an open area. 

"Aerial Lift," he says before we are all lifted off the floor by a swirl of air under our feet. "I'm running low on magical energy so we only have about 10 minutes," he adds. 

We all nod in recognition. Once high enough, I try to use archive to try and get a read on his position but it does not work. 

"I cannot track him so keep an eye out," I say still frustrated. 

After a few minutes I notice Patton panting. 

"Take us down," I say without letting him argue.

Virgil's P.O.V

Great, I lost the connection. I'm still chasing this guy down. He ran into a field, next to a huge abandoned factory. As I get closer to the factory I hear someone behind me. I turn around and manage to dodge a fire blast while also firing a blast but they dodge it. I use my Storm Magic to cast Towering Tornado: Lightning but once again they dodge. 

"You've got to be kidding me," I mumble. 

They are standing right in front of me but I can't see their face due to the mask they're wearing. I gather magic power and fire a powerful Dark Beam but they counter by doing the same and firing a powerful fire beam.

Both beams collide, creating a big explosion. I cross my arms in front of me to block me from the blast as best as possible. The next thing I know the wizard is right in front of me. 

What happens next I did not expect and it scares me. They rip the pendant off my neck and kick me in the stomach, sending me back a few feet. I crash down on the floor and they use rapid fire. I try to get away but fail and get hit. Damn it. If I don't get up and beat them they might take revenge on the others. They could die and it would be my fault.

I can't let that happen! I won't! 

When they try to get close again I stand up and grab them by their neck, lifting them off the ground. 

Seeking Control: A Sanders Sides TaleWhere stories live. Discover now