Chapter Forty-eight

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Virgil's P.O.V

"Can I talk to you about something Car?" I ask when he stops for a break. 

"Of course," is his response. Should I tell him? 

My magic is getting stronger and I'm afraid that it will become too much for me to handle. I know the others will say that I'll be fine but I don't believe that. My magic is terrifying and the others are just too stupid to realize it. I love them but it's true. 

"Actually let's just get back because I have something I need to tell all of you," I tell him. 

He grabs my arm once more and uses his spell. 

As soon as we get halfway there I grab his arm to turn us both into a shadow and go the rest of the way. It doesn't take us long to reach the guild hall. Once we get inside I walk over to Thomas. 

"I need to talk to all of you," I say before sinking down. Both him and Carsen follow after me. I pop up into the commons but instead of stopping I walk straight into the Imagination. No one else is here yet so I wait facing away from the entrance. 

"Do you know what he wants to talk about?" I hear Logan ask.

Turning around I see that almost everyone is here. Only Dee and Hunter are missing but they enter from the other side of the imagination a moment later. They walk over to the others and wait for me to say something. Right now I need to try and push away my anxiety long enough to say what I need to say. Hunter tries saying something but I don't give him the chance. 

"I need to say something and you all need to listen. Do not interrupt me. Understand?" I finally say. Everyone agrees so I take a breath to calm myself. "I'm going to fight Devin... But I think I should do it alone..." I tell them. 

Roman tries saying something but I hold up my hand to stop him. 

"I'm stronger than all of you and I don't want any of you getting hurt," I continue saying. 

Roman steps forward saying, "We are not going to let you fight him alone. That's final." 

The others nod in agreement. I should have known they were going to say that.

"But if something were to happen to any of you-" Patton cuts me off by tackling me in a hug. He almost knocks us both over. 

"How do you think we would feel? We may not be as strong as you but we're stronger together. We're family kiddo," he says. His voice cracks slightly so I hug back and as soon as I do everyone else joins in. With some persuasion by Patton that is. 

"There is something else..." I say when they pull away. 

"What's that?" Dee asks me. Should I tell them? Might as well. 

"I think I've learned two new spells... One is a kind of variation of a spell I already had," I tell them sheepishly. 

They all look surprised which I expected. It's not every day that mages gain new spells. Especially when they are already at my level. 

"How? What is it?" Logan asks earnestly. 

"At first I didn't think it would really be useful but turns out it works well against Gorians. Dark Cage: Harden," I say lifting my hand towards an empty spot and my cage appears. It turns into a shadow and slowly I close my hand into a fist after saying, "Dark Cage: Constrict." The cage continues to shrink until it vanishes.

"Wait you fought Forest Vulcan's?" Roman asks so I give him the most done look ever. 

"Wow Virgil. Nice spell Virgil. It's pretty cool that you learned that Virgil," I say sarcastically. 

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