Chapter Three

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Virgil's P.O.V

After leaving the kitchen I quickly make my way to my room. Usually the things Princey says don't bug me this much but saying I'm not wanted and that I'm a bother, is definitely sticking with me. The thing is, he's right, I don't help enough to make up for all I mess up. 

Sitting in the corner of my room I keep replaying his words in my head and slowly making their way from the back of my mind are the thoughts I've suppressed for years. You know they hate you and wouldn't miss you, that's if they even realize you're gone. I pull my sleeves up to look at my arm but immediately pull them back down. They're hard to ignore but if I let them take over my mind they could leak from me and go to Thomas. That is something I will never let happen. A certain knock on my door pulls me from my thoughts. 3 knocks, pause, 2 knocks. Patton. 

I don't want to move so I just quietly call out, "Come in." 

He slowly enters my room and closes the door behind him. He asks if I'm alright but I don't answer hoping he won't push for a response. He doesn't, instead he just sits in front of me but not too close, which I appreciate. 

I move closer not long after and he asks if I want to talk about it. Should I tell him? No, why bother. He won't let this go, maybe I should tell him? Don't tell him anything. I don't want to lie to him. So you want to make him upset? I just shrug and he smiles encouragingly at me before offering a dad joke in an attempt at making me feel better. 

I quietly say, "Sure Dad.." It causes him to smile.

"Okay, why aren't koalas actually bears? They don't meet the koalafications!" he says. 

He laughs at his own joke and I have to admit that it was pretty good, I had to actually stop myself from laughing. He asks again what's wrong. Lie. But he's like my Dad... Lie. 

"I'm just..." I start but I feel a tug which means Thomas needs me. "Thomas needs me.. and.. umm thanks I knew I could count on you." I whisper the last part. 

Before I can leave, Patton pulls me into a hug which catches me off guard but I return the hug anyway. You finally did something that didn't screw everything up. I give him a small smile before popping up in my usual spot by the stairs asking 

 "What? I was in the middle of something." I look over to see Princey in his usual attire staring at me. "Why are you staring at me?" I ask looking at him weird. 

"Just wondering, how you manage to be gloomier every time we see you," he answers after a brief moment with a sarcastic grin. Of course. 

Thomas cuts in, "Okay guys play nice. I want to do another Dark Side of Disney video so I need your help." 

Rolling my eyes I just put my hands in my pocket thinking 'I do not want to be here' and 'Why was he looking at me like that?'.

Halfway through the video my mind is racing. Did I do something? Of course you did. Why was he staring at me? He hates you and doesn't want you here. Honestly, who would? My heart starts beating faster and louder, I glance over at Thomas and Princey wondering if they can hear it. I feel my chest tightening, it's hard to breathe and my vision is getting a bit blurry. No, no, no this can't happen, not now, not here. I know they are still talking and only a couple feet away but their voices are muffled. I can't let them see me like this, especially if I accidentally use my magic (again).

Thomas tries saying something to me but I can't hear it. He walks towards me, reaching to touch my shoulder but I step back. You better leave before it gets worse, or they'll see you. 

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