Chapter Five

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Roman's P.O.V

Now in front of Logan's dark blue door I knock but get no response. Check the commons. I start walking to the commons to see Logan pacing and mumbling to himself. 

"Logan, do you have a moment to spare? I need to talk to you," I say. 

Finally realizing I'm in the room he looks at me nodding. 

"I need to talk to you about our magic. I want to know if we can have magic but not know about it," I tell him. 

Taking a minute he finally says, "I have read that some mages can learn different types of magic other than those they're born with. But it isn't something that happens often. I don't believe I've heard of someone having a type of magic and not knowing it either. May I ask why you want to know?"

I smile really big before I answer, "I think I might have discovered new magic. I'm not entirely sure though, that's why I came to you." 

Looking genuinely surprised and interested he asks, "Why do you think that? And what do you believe it is?" I didn't think about that. 

"Actually I'm not sure what it is but I get a feeling when it happens. A feeling I only get when I use my magic," I tell him. He starts pacing again and starts mumbling words to himself. 

"What happens when you get this feeling? Does something trigger it?" he asks. Good question. 

"When it happens, it's the feeling something is wrong or someone needs help and it draws me to the source. Last night I woke up and felt something was wrong with Virgil. Earlier I knew he was in trouble, he was in the middle of an anxiety attack. Then, there was Patton a few days ago. He almost fell off a ladder in your library tr--"I start to explain but he cuts me off. 

"Wait, he was in my library? Why, what did he do?" he asks. Really, that's his concern? It is Logan. After another minute or two I manage to shut him up. 

"Logan, really? You can talk to him later, right now I need your help," I tell him.

"Ahh yes, my apologies. From what you are describing, it sounds like Clairsentience. The ability to feel a strong sense of something or someone's emotion and in your case I believe to be a sense of danger or turmoil. It may just be an ability you have, like Thomas' manifestation ability. It isn't magic, just something he was born with. Although, we will need to test this theory," he tells me. This will work perfectly. 

"Perfect, because we are all going to the imagination tomorrow. We can do the tests then so bring whatever your nerd test needs. Be there at 12 pm sharp," I say. Patton walks in while Logan sits on the couch. 

"Hey, what're you talking about?" he asks. 

I look at him saying, "We're all going to the imagination tomorrow, so be there at 12."

"Yay, I can't wait! I'm going to bake cookies!" Pat exclaims before running into the kitchen. I start to leave the commons when I remember something. 

"Hey Logan, I just remembered what Patton was doing in your library. He said something about borrowing a book," I tell him. 

After telling him I head off to my room. I have a big day tomorrow. It's going to be perfect and I can't wait to see Anx. I'm going insane. It would never work, he hates me.

Virgil's P.O.V

As I'm finishing up my drawing I get a text message from Princey. I didn't know he had my number. I grab it opening up my messages and tapping his name.

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