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I got up on shaky legs to walk over to Matt. However, a hand grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back. I yelped, until another hand made its way around my mouth.

"Shit! Luna!" Matt called. He stared at my captor in slight fear. "Jay."

"You're stupid if you think he'd come alone. Would you? Of course not. You'd bring me with because you know how much this little one means to me." For emphasis, he pulled me tighter against his chest. "Well, how much she means to your Jay. I could care less about her. But I loved Matt, Toby, and Mason. And you killed them. So I'm getting revenge."

"Don't touch her!" Matt yelled, standing up. He grabbed the knife, holding it tight.

Jay chuckled and shook his head. "I already have. She's damaged; she's no fun to play with. But you? I can kill you. But I don't want to. Luna, call your Jay out here. Now." The glint of his pocket knife sent me into a spiral of PTSD. I weakly called out to Jay, almost hoping he wouldn't come out. I was afraid of what would happen to him.

"Let her go, you asshole." Jay seethed as he saw what was going on.

I was pushed away, stumbling towards Matt. I crumbled into his arms. He held me close, handing the knife to Jay.

The other Jay rolled his eyes. He removed a pistol from his waistband and pointed it at us. Matt's body went rigid as he held me tightly in his arms, as if it would protect me.

"I'm the one you want, yeah? So shoot me. Not them." Jay stated as he stepped in our view.

Dark Jay chuckled, firing a bullet into our Jay's leg. I screamed as I watched my best friend fall to the floor with a yelp of pain. The bad Jay walked closer to my Jay, discarding the pistol. He twirled his knife around his fingers before picking Jay up by his hair and holding the knife against his throat.

"Please! Stop! Hurting me wasn't enough?" I begged, struggling to remove myself from the iron grip my boyfriend had on me.

"No. It wasn't. This isn't about you, Luna. This is about him." He jerked his head to the man he had in his hands. "I kill him, you won't be able to kill me. It seems fair, seeing as you killed three of my friends."

"No! Take me instead! Please!" I pleaded, choking on my tears.

Jay shook his head, smirking like the actual devil. "No. You had your chance to be good, and you failed. You do realize you alone are worse than Matt and I combined? You string them both along. Matt, did you know she kissed Jay? I knew. No, I'm not talking about the moment you had earlier today, I'm talking about the one you had when Matt was high off his ass and you and Jay were the only sober ones. Oh, or how about the fact you would rather stick with him over your own boyfriend? See, Luna, you're the real threat here. But let me even the playing field." He lifted the knife from Jay's throat and stabbed him in the stomach.

I screamed so loud, I was sure it could have been heard all the way back home. Jay crumbled to the ground, his hands going down to cover his gaping wound. I threw myself from Matt's grip and rushed to Jay, holding his head in my lap. I watched the light fade from his eyes.

No, this wasn't how it was supposed to end. It cannot end like this. I prayed for Matt's safety, begging to any one listening to keep him safe. I couldn't live without him.

But as I watched as Jay took in his last breath, I realized I couldn't live without him, either. I had made the worst decision in choosing Matt over Jay, because Matt never needed me to worry about him. He could handle his own. Jay couldn't, and now he paid the price of my own darkness.

When Darkness Falls (Dark Misfits AU)Where stories live. Discover now