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Every once in a while Mason or Toby would say something but I just kept quiet, I was worried. Worried about Luna, Matt, and Jay. What if they hurt them?

"Baby," Toby brought my hand up to his lips and gently kissed my knuckles and I looked over at him. "They're going to be just fine. Don't worry,"

"How are you not worried about them? I'm close to freaking out." I took a deep breath and glanced in the rear view mirror, seeing that Mason was dozing off.

"I am worried. I'm way past worried but right now, my love, you're my top priority," We stopped at a stoplight and he looked at me. "I can't have them get you too. It would kill me."

We continued on our way to Canberra, stopping at a couple gas stations for Mason to take a piss and whatnot. Then we arrived at the motel, it wasn't a 5-star hotel, but it wasn't a run down shit hole either.

Toby told Mason to keep an eye on me and keep me safe while he went to go book us a room.

As we were waiting for him to come back, I became really anxious, thinking that one of the doppelgängers would just come in the car.

Toby came running back to the car because Mason probably texted him that I was going to have an anxiety attack.

"Mel, sweetheart. You're okay, nothing is going to happen to you, I promise. Just breath," Toby help me get my breathing under control again and he calmed me down.

"You're alright baby. Don't worry," He looked in the back seat at Mason. "Help me get her to the room."

Toby and Mason both held me up and walked me to the room we were staying in for a night or two. He gave Mason the key and opened the door, leading me to the bed.

There were two beds, one for me and Toby and then the other one for Mason. Toby closed the door and locked it behind him and sat down on the bed next to me and rubbed my back.

"Sorry, I was don't know what came over me." I apologized after I was able to soak again.

"No," Toby started, become the mom that he is. "Don't ever be sorry about that. You were scared and I understand. I would be too if I was in your shoes. But you don't have to worry, Mace and I are here to protect you. We're not going to let anything take you, no matter what."

Toby kissed the top of my head and layed back on the bed, sighing.

I took off my shoes and I layed down next to him, grabbing the TV remote and turning it on. The news popped up and the story was about me and Luna.

Toby snatched the remote of of my hand, and changed it to a different channel. "I don't want you to get even more scared and anxious than you already are."

I looked over at Mason who was already asleep on his bed. I'm not going to be able to sleep at all tonight, even if I wanted to. It's going to be a long night.

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