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I snuggled close to Matt as everyone got prepared. I was almost throwing up with how anxious I was. What if the other Matt or Jay came with Mason? Matt would surely be out for blood now, as would Jay.

"What's on your mind, babe?" Matt asked as he kissed the top of my head.

"What about the other Jay and the other Matt? They're out for blood. I can't... I won't lose you." I whispered as I snuggled up to him. I refused to lose the love of my life.

"Everything will be okay. I promise." He mumbled as he kissed the top of my head.

I nodded. "Okay. Well, let's go figure shit out." I took his hand and intertwined our fingers. I pulled him along to where the others were.

"Are you ready?" Eric asked.

I nodded. "As ready as I can be."

"Alright, Mel, you're up." Mason frowned.


Jay pulled me aside. "Luna, I need you to know that in case any of this goes wrong along the way-"

I shook my head and leaned up, pressing a small, quick kiss to his lips. "Don't. I know. It's going to be fine."

Jay nodded quickly. He sighed and let me walk back to the group.

Matt wrapped an arm around me, smiling slightly. He was nervous as hell, but he was trying to be strong for me.

"We know the drill. If Mason or any one else tries to take Mel or Luna, we jump in. We can't kill them, but we can hurt them so the ones that can kill them can." Cam commanded the air like a true king. I hoped that after all of this he, and Jay, could find someone to love them like they loved Melody and I.

I sucked in a deep breath as Melody pressed send on the text that would alert the dark Mason of our whereabouts. This was it. We were going to war.

When Darkness Falls (Dark Misfits AU)Where stories live. Discover now