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While Melody was out with Mason, I decided to stream a little bit. She wouldn't be gone long, knowing her and her thin patience with Mason. Hell, no one could be gone too long alone with Mason. That boy drove everyone crazy.

I stared up the stream and put my pink headphones on my head. I started up a game of Fortnite and was joined almost immediately by Smitty and Kryoz. They called me on Discord and I answered.

"Hey boooooyyyyyysss." Smitty drew out the word.

"Hello." I hummed in response. As I waited for the match to start, I glanced at chat.

How is Melody?

I smiled and licked my lips. "She's perfect, thanks for asking. She'll be back soon, so I probably won't play too long."

As the match started and I began to play, a loud knock sounded at my door. I removed one ear of the headphones and called out, "Come in!"

Luna, Matt's girlfriend, entered my room. She was paler than usual, which was quite weird considering she was as white as the snow. She sat on my bed and stared at me.

"Are you okay? Did Matt do something?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

She shook her head. "No, it's just... Jay and I went to the mall, okay. And while we were out, I swear I saw you, Cam, and Matt. But Can is in New Zealand and you and Matt were here all day... R-Right?"

The poor girl was visibly shaken up by whatever was traumatizing her. I rolled my eyes playfully, smiling in her direction.

"Stop reading the Vampire Diaries books. And stop watching the show." I chided.

She shook her head, her blonde hair swaying with the motion. "Toby, I've seen the show a hundred times. Doppelgängers like Katherine and Silas don't scare me. But a weird version of my Matt decked out in black leather and looking at me like I was a piece of meat is the stuff of nightmares."

"Sounds like your dream sex fantasy." I shrugged. I was so glad I muted my mic before she walked in here. Smitty and John would never leave the poor girl alone.

Luna sighed in defeat. "I'm sorry for interrupting your stream." She left, making sure to close the door. I frowned. I didn't like knowing my friend was upset, but I stood by what I said. She and Melody both watched too many scary movies and read too many scary stories. It got to their heads too much.

"You okay, man?" John asked as I turned my mic back on and joined in another match.

"Oh, yeah. Luna just wanted to talk about Matt real quick. Getting him a birthday gift and all that shit." I responded.

"She should just buy some sexy lingerie and fuck him." Smitty joked.

"That's not funny, Jaren." I frowned. The topic hit too close to home. I never pushed Melody on the matter, and I never would. I loved her too much to say or do anything like that. But it was also a sore spot when the others brought up Melody or Luna in a sexual light.

"I'm sorry." Smitty apologized quickly. "I forgot."

I stayed quiet for several minutes as we played, just thinking. Luna had been so spooked. Was Melody having a similar interaction right now? I mean, could she be seeing things that weren't there?

I began to think of a version of me that wasn't good. That's what doppelgängers were; evil versions of you. I was the good, so the bad had to be somewhere, right?

I chuckled softly at the idea of myself wearing harsher tones than my usual pink. The idea was kind of hot, to be honest, but I wasn't about to share that with anyone.

After a few more minutes, I heard Melody's car pull into the driveway. I said my goodbyes to Smit and Kryoz and cut off the stream. I waited patiently (or rather impatiently, as my knee bounced up and down) for her to come inside. Hopefully Mason didn't cause her too much trouble.

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