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Since I was left alone by my girlfriend to go hang out with Jay, I decided to stream, since I didn't have anything better to do.

As I was editing, I turned on some music on Pandora. My stations were on shuffle all the time, so out of all my stations, which were basically pop, rock, and 90s stuff, a song from the station that Luna had added on my phone played. It reminded me of my girlfriend and I smiled to myself.

I turned on the stream after getting everything set up and I start up some CS:GO. I glanced to the chat and they were talking about my birthday and what they think Luna's going to get me.

"You guys know she's very simple and doesn't like to go all out. So she might just get me like a stuffed animal or something. None of that crazy stuff," I chuckled and shook my head, concentrating on the game, occasionally looking at the chat and seeing what they're talking about.

After streaming for a good hour and a half, I let a sigh escape from my lips and I lay back on the bed, scrolling through social media.

Then I hear arguing outside, in which I promptly get up and go see what the fuss was all about.

"You were there! You were looking at the shirts and walking behind yourself!" Melody's voice rang out into my ears and also into Mason's ears, who she was yelling at.

"Woah, everyone calm down," I walked over to the two and looked at Melody. "What's going on?"

"Mason knows I hate when horror films that I watch come true and he's trying to scare me," She glared at Mason, who was desperately trying to get me on his side.

"I was not! I was content looking through those clothes when you decided to leave!" Mason yelled out in defense.

"I was trying to leave because you were walking behind yourself!"

"Okay calm down!" I stopped the two. "Melody, you go into your room," I looked over at Mason. "You go to your room."

The two sulked and walked into their own rooms, leaving me in the living room.

I shook my head and walked back into my own room, thinking about what Melody said. Mason was walking behind himself?

I chuckled, being reminded of Luna. Both of the girls loved watching horror films, but they would always hate the horror part of it. I wasn't too familiar with The Vampire Diaries, but I knew something like what Melody has said had happened in the show.

Maybe she saw a doppelgänger of Mason? But that would only mean that he's very much a bad guy unlike the Mason in his room. Just thinking about what I would be like as a doppelgänger gives me the chills. Hopefully Luna never gets close to that Matt ever.

When Darkness Falls (Dark Misfits AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora