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Melody and I cuddled and watched a movie together. She did my hair in a cute braid again. I was glad she was feeling better.

"Just think, by next week, we'll be back home and everything will be fine again." I said softly. Melody hummed in response and cuddled up to me.

"We should start luring them out soon. Before they retaliate and do something we can't fix." She sighed.

"Right. We can start tomorrow." I didn't like the idea of pimping out my girlfriend or friends to get this done, but it was necessary. We couldn't let this go on any longer.

I held Melody close to me as we watched the movie. I couldn't quite sleep knowing the events that were going to take place in the coming days. I was worried for Melody.

"Hey, it's going to be okay." Melody looked up at me. She leaned in and kissed me softly, easing my nerves.

I kissed her back, wrapping my arms around her. I pulled away after a moment to cuddle with her again.

"I love you." I muttered.

"I love you, too, Toby." She smiled.

After she fell asleep, I got up and sat on the living room couch. I couldn't sleep. My mind was racing with all the ways this whole thing could end.

"Hey man." Cam said, sitting next to me. "Can't sleep?"

I shook my head. "I'm just thinking."

Cam nodded. "When I found Eric, I was so upset that someone could do that to him. I was angry. I wanted revenge. I still do. But we need to be smart and careful. And seeing Luna in the hospital scared me. I don't want her or Mel or anyone else to be hurt. But this is war, and we are bound to come out with wounds. Just so those demons don't come out at all."

I nodded my head. "You're right, mate. They're not going to make it out alive, but we are."

Little did I know, our doppelgängers were having a very similar conversation back at the house.

When Darkness Falls (Dark Misfits AU)Where stories live. Discover now