Chapter 40 - Pancakes and Popsicles

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Fearing exposure and the length of travel, Terra did not take Will to a hospital. Instead, she took charge of his recovery while Jed surreptitiously obtained what additional medical supplies they needed.

Layla gave up her bed to Will and Terra, despite their reservations about accepting it. As Terra moved their clothes into the bedroom, she could not help but smile as Layla bounced about like a rubber ball, babbling away on multiple subjects.

This is the real Layla, how she is meant to be.

Terra asked, "Layla, you seem to be happy. How are you coming along?"

A grin popped up on Layla's face as she chattered. "Good. It is so good to see you and Will again. I mean, not with Will gettin' shot and all the blood and stuff, and Jed havin' to fix him up. I hoped you would come by sometime. I was thinkin' about becoming a nurse or something. Do you think I could do that?" Hands shot to her mouth. "Oh, I'm talkin' too much, ain't I?"

Terra laughed. "That's okay, Layla. I think you could be a great nurse. How was the reconciliation with your parents?"

"It was kinda hard coming home at first after all I did, but they still wanted me back." Her eyes rolled up. "They still treat me like a little girl, though."

Terra put her hand on Layla's shoulder. "It may take some time to get back to normal, whatever that may be. But I am optimistic for you all. You have a wonderful family."

Layla's grin faded, and she dipped her head. "Terra, I... I don't know what would have happened to me if you and Will hadn't come along. Don't think I would have lasted much... You didn't have to save me."

"But then you and your family helped save Will's life. Interesting how these things come around."

Layla put back on her big smile as she plopped down on the bed. Terra turned to her, "Do you suppose that you or your mom would show me how to make pancakes?

The next morning, while Will slept, Marn taught Terra the art of pancake making. With a gleam of pride, Terra surprised Will and her hosts with a batch.

Will's jaw dropped, and he blinked in disbelief. "You made these?"

"Yes, well, with Marn's guidance," Terra replied. "I promised you pancakes, didn't I?"

A half grin came to Will's face. "So, is this a sign of commitment?"

"Very much so."

"Well then, let's eat!"


On the morning of the eighth day, Terra deemed Will recovered enough to travel. Terra pulled the truck out of its hiding spot in a shed. She and Will simultaneously wrapped Layla in a tight hug before climbing into the truck and pulling away.

Will surveyed the damage to the truck from within from the passenger seat. Beams of sunlight streaked through holes in the cab roof and windshield cracks diffracted the light in random patterns.

Shaking his head, Will sighed. "Oh, my poor truck." He wrinkled his nose. "And it smells in here."

"Well, you bled all over the seat," Terra huffed. "I cleaned it up as best I could, but the odor may be with us for a long time."

After Terra turned on to the main highway, Will said, "Terra, I've been meaning to ask you something. Jed said you stopped my bleeding before we arrived at Layla's place. How did you do that?"


"But how? I thought I was invisible in the aura."

"An answered prayer, maybe?" Terra shook her head. "I can't explain it. When you were near death, your aura appeared and I could see you in it. Perhaps you were so weak that you could not suppress it? I just know you would have died if it had not happened. Later, when you were stronger, your aura disappeared again."

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