In the middle of their laughter, Youssef and his mother walked in and Aqsa's eyes went bright. She tried so hard not to be dramatic infront of her in laws although they never really minded. They were super dramatic themselves and they had made her feel so comfortable around them in just a few months. She wanted to jump and hug Youssef then and there,  three days were quite long to them.
'Everybody see how my wife didn't miss me? She didn't even jump to give me a hug?'
Oh Youssef you don't know how much she is trying to control herself.
They all laughed except Aqsa.
'Well she was having a good time with us, probably never had the time to think about you!' Maryam joked.
But before she finished her joke Aqsa found her way into Youssef's arms. Oh how she missed him and his scent and everything. A tear fell from her eye. No one seeing maybe Youssef will feel it with a tear stained Shirt now. Youssef ran his left hand through her hair, his right giving Salam to his father.

'Aqsa what are you doing to her hair??' Maman laughed.
'Atleast I tried.'
'You should really try more.'
'Well i told her I couldn't and she insisted.' Aqsa laughed.
'Really not my fault.'
'What will you do with your kids hair, we really have to figure that out.'
They all laughed and she blushed.
Youssef excused himself and she shyly followed him behind.
'I hope you had a good time. How was your trip back ?' She asked as they entered Youssef's room, one they share whenever they came to Youssef's parents.
'It was very nice, most especially because Maman got to relax and she enjoyed so yes. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah.'
'That's so nice Youssef. Alhamdulillah.'
'You seemed to have loved my absence, you are all having a good time here.'
'Well you know how they can get.'
They laughed. Papa and Maryam were entertaining.
'Will we be going home today?' Aqsa asked.
'Do you want to?'
'I dont mind staying back, if you are tired and all.'
' I'm a bit tired with the trip, in sha Allah tomorrow we will go back home.'
'In sha Allah .' She smiled at him. Just then her phone rang. It was Nasra, Sayeed's wife.
'Aqsa Asalaam alaikum.'
'Waalaikum salaam habibty, how are you?'
'Alhamdulillah fine, you?'

As she was on her phone Youssef moved to his bag opening and trying to get some things out leaving her to talk on the phone.

'Oh hayaty, Youssef just came back and we are at his parents' place. Sorry. You know I'd love to. I'll talk to Saffiyya and Ruqqayya , okay?'
After they agreed she hang up.
'That was Nasra , the kids want to go for games at the park and she's alone, Sayeed is at the office today working on a weekend.'
'Yep.' She took her phone and called the twins .
After their greetings and all , Saffiyya started.
'Liar Liar... Someone didn't come to see us.'
'Oh please quit being dramatic Saf.' Aqsa rolled her eyes.
Saffiyya laughed.
'What are you guys doing?' Aqsa asked.
'Well, we are just home and it's so boring today , I'm about to go eat watermelon just because I'm bored.'
Ruqqayya replied.
'Why do you want to go out with us? Remembered us today because Mr kissey kissey is out of town?'
Youssef laughed when he heard that and Saffiyya didn't know that he was around she screamed when she heard him laughing.
'Aqsaaaaaa!!!! Yallah bye.'
Aqsa was laughing she couldn't breathe. She struggled to stop and start talking again. Tears coming down her eyes. The way Saffiyya's eyes popped out, Ruqqayya was also laughing she couldn't breathe.
After a few seconds, Aqsa tried talking again.
'You guys should call Nasra she needs company and I'm a bit busy , so please accompany her and the kids, okay?'
'Please say yes to my wife.' Youssef's deep voice followed although he wasn't anywhere near her to see Saffiyya and Ruqqayya.
'Just because your team lost Youssef, that's why I'm agreeing.' Ruqqayya teased.
The team he supported. Not the one he played for. The team he wanted to play for one day in sha Allah.
when Aqsa turned to Youssef he handed her a big box wrapped not so well and she knew this must be Youssef's doing. So she opened it but he had gone to freshen up in which she had surprised him by preparing the bathtub for him with relaxing oils and soap, and she laughed at the thoughtfulness, It was Youssef after all he was thoughtful. Everything he kept inside he attached a note to it. Every place he went with his mother he collected something for Aqsa and a note of where he got it from and that he thought of her, at that very moment. Tears left her eyes. She was blessed. Allah had blessed her with a loving husband and she just cried. The gifts were not expensive but very sentimental. There was a chiffon hijab, a scarf, a keychain, a sleeping mask, an Islamic book on the Sunnah, an oud pack and other small things. Even she didn't think she was thoughtful as Youssef was.
When Youssef came out of the bathroom she rushed to him and hugged him as she cried.
'Thank you so much Youssef, Jazakallah khair. I love everything, you didn't have to.'
'Amin, wa antum fa jazakumullah khair. I did have to, otherwise how do i get you to love me more?'
She playfully punched him.
'The Prophet ( SAW) said give gifts to each other as it will increase affection between you.'
'They are the cutest. And the cute little notes, you can be so extra!'
Youssef laughed.
'I'm glad you love them.'
'I really do.' She then left him to pray as she went out of the room to go prepare dinner for her family.
'No maman you just came back you should rest!' Aqsa insisted.
'Fine fine then Atleast let me sit and watch you as you cook and we can talk a little.'

Aqsa worked her way in the kitched as Noor watched her. They could hear the voices of Youssef and Maryam now annoying each other and all they did is laugh. Youssef pulled her hair playfully and she shouted.
"Youssef!!!!! Aqsa please take your husband and leave, no take him out then you stay, he's so annoying.'
Just then they heard her laugh. Youssef had revealed his gift to her.
'Well I really deserve this after all the torture.'
'You're welcome.'
'Thank you Youssef.'
Youssef kissed her forehead. He loved his baby sister so much and her loud character entertained him and everyone so much.
Just then Youssef and his father found their way to the masjid for maghrib prayer talking as they walked.
'I really miss ramadan Papa.'
'I really understand, I feel the same, May Allah make us among those who witness the coming Ramadan.'
'You know Papa you never told me how was your first ramadan.'
Papa laughed remembering how he felt and how it was.
'We really didn't have any clue how it was , Alhamdulillah spiritually it was fine but we were pretty new with the practices and everything. Your mother and I were learning new food recipes and I remember it was my first time having dates because we learned , it's Sunnah to break your first with it. So, it was foreign but Alhamdulillah we got used to it.'
'Alhamdulillah for the blessing of Islam. All our new friends from the mosque were inviting us for iftar and all. Alhamdulillah we got new friends that were like family, your mother struggled to get friends because you know women aren't as interactive with new people but Alhamdulillah now you see all these aunties she got you.'

And they laughed as they entered the masjid. Youssef felt grateful. His parents raised him well and he couldn't think how he would have turned out had he been raised when his parents were broken. When his father was an alcoholic and his mother a mess, SubhanAllah Allah fixed them, brought them together and increased their love to raise him and Maryam in a healthy environment physically, spiritually and mentally.
Youssef had not expected to find Sayeed and Mahmoud at the masjid since this wasn't where Sayeed normally prayed but he said he was just from work so he was around the area.
'You can come to dinner brother, your little sister is cooking.'
'Oh oh I'd rather not eat.'
Youssef laughed.
'You know she's good.'
'Your tastebuds are dead.'
'I'll tell her that.'

'Please don't. She'll kill me. MashAllah she's very nice at it, and i miss her and her cooking but Nasra will kill me today, I've been in the office all day and then not eat at home.'

Youssef and Mahmoud Laughed. Just then Salah began and they prayed together. Shoulder to Shoulder. Brothers.

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