Part 50: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

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We were almost ready to go, but we were still trying to figure out how to go about prowling about my ancestral home.

"I don't want Zuri to go," Dar shook his head. "The place is traumatic for her at best."

"I agree," Ian nodded. "but she is adamant about going."

"I'm not sure--"

"I have a plan."

We all turned toward the door to see Zuri and Gina of all people at her side. They were all smiles. Of course, we all froze, though for different reasons. Gina was Ian's ex-lover, and dated Dar at some point. The girl got around, and why was she here?

"Gina is going to be my assistant," Zuri declared softly. "She knows the house, and she is the only other person who might remember where the secret passage is."

"Gina, I appreciate your help, I do," I sighed. "but this is risky, especially for--"

"Me," Gina finished. "I am just a female, no rank to back me, no family to protect me."

"I will protect you!" Zuri was fierce, and then turned to me pleadingly. "I just feel she can help, Amber, I feel it! Don't you trust me?"

I looked at Ian. He didn't know what to say, either.

"Dar, you will sneak into the house with Gina and Zuri," I breathed, silently praying to the Goddess for good fortune. "Cole and Vida" will come with us to dinner. Mattie and Zach will make sure all is well at the mansion in case anyone tries anything while we are gone."

Ian nodded, thinking it over, but agreeing. "We will have to keep your father and brother distracted."

"No problem," I shrugged. "There is Dar and Zuri's testimonies to explain, not to mention Gina's. Reasons for us to not trust them far outweigh the reasons to trust them. That's going to take some explaining."

It was weird to be back, yet still familiar

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It was weird to be back, yet still familiar. The good and bad kept weighing themselves in my head.

"You okay?"

I looked at Ian as he squeezed my hand.

"Yes and no."

"What is it?" he asked. "What are you feeling?"

"I haven't been here in years, Ian," I told him, swallowing hard. "And now, it's as if...I can feel Jaeger, just barely..." He drew me to him, and held me. I didn't want to look weak! "Ian!"

He stilled me. "This isn't a council meeting. You are going to visit your father. This is a family gathering, and he wants you here."


I looked up to see my father. I felt my throat tighten. I missed him. For some reason, now, I realized how much I missed him. We used to be really close until I started bucking against everything just to be who I am. I turned to him, straightening up. "Hello."

He stopped short. He looked like was going to hug me, but then took my hands. "It is good to see you--"

"Amber." He stood in the doorway of the house. He seemed unsure of whether or not to approach.

I looked up to see Jiro, and there it was, the anger and rage, the distrust and betrayal. "Jiro." I looked up my father, who sighed. I sighed, too, bowing and shaking my head. This whole thing might be a mistake. "I'm sorry."

"No apologies."

My head snapped up. What did that mean?

"We're going to walk in the gardens, we'll be in shortly." He offered his hand.

Ian's eyes sparkled. He was trying not to smile. "Hey, Jiro, how about a tour of the house?" He led Cole and Vida away. "Heard he's got a sunroom that's the talk of the council, Cole!"

We looked at each other, and then my father spoke. "We need to talk."

New Age Werewolf Series Book 1: Taming A She WolfWhere stories live. Discover now