Part 8: Baby Steps

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It was actually common sense, which made it genius.

Amber came up with a mate program. Contrary to what others believed, the Goddess's will was never in question. Some mates were not ready to mate yet, and so they dated or got to know each other better in stages set by phases of the moon. Some mates' parents, especially those of the female, wanted to retain a connection with their children, which meant that family was an issue. This meant counseling of families. Finally, some mates consummated right away like Vida and Cole did, and this meant counseling in proper choices of where to live or what to do next since things may have happened suddenly.

There must have been two dozen couples that day, and watching Amber be just as observant with the first couple or families as she was with the last made me respect her all the more. She was a diplomat and counselor, making her loved and respected by her pack. Listening to my father and other alphas about her, I would have never thought that.

I watched Vida and Cole step up to her after everyone left. Many had lingered, and I realized this was what they wanted to see.

"You already know what happened," Vida said softly.

"Yes, I know," Amber's nod was almost regal.

"You know how we feel," Cole swallowed hard.

"Yes, I believe I do," She said, locking eyes with him.

"You have been a mother, a sister, and pack leader to me almost all my life," Vida said tearfully. "Do you bless this union?"

"Yes, of course I do," she whispered. "All I have ever wanted was your happiness and safety, Vida. I will abide by any decision you make on where to live."

I saw Amber's sadness. She knew the decision already.

"I choose to stay with Cole," Vida smiled.

She rose from her chair, and Vida froze. "Granted."

"We'll visit, I swear it!" Vida threw her arms around Amber.

"I know," Amber held her for a few moments, then pulled back to look at her, framing the young woman's face in her hands. "but it will hurt not to see your face every day." She bowed her head, and I knew she was trying not to cry.

"I love you," Vida whispered.

"And I love you, pixie." She whispered back. She pulled back again, and kissed her forehead. "Go on, I'll see you at dinner." She saw Vida. hesitate. She gave a bright smile. "Go on!"

Cole and Vida walked away hand in hand, but both looked back at me. I looked at Amber, who was finishing up things on her tablet. They both wanted me to do something, and truthfully, I wanted to, but what?

"Long day, huh?" I said to her.

"Yes, most are about the same," she chuckled. "Not a whole lot of daylight left, is there?"

"I haven't really shown you my favorite parts of Wisdom."

"You showed me the house."

"Well..." I gave a smile. "Not all of it, but first let's go for a run."

"A run?"

"Yeah, you know-" I let my eyes turn gold. "a real run?" I saw her smile, and I couldn't help but smile back.

Within an hour, we were running through the woods at top speed in our wolf forms. Goddess, she was fast. She jumped further because of her lighter weight. I envied that. Being a female she really could move, and being an alpha female she brought it to a whole new level. We raced to the Goddess temple, and sat to look at the view. I tied a small pack around my neck so we could dress when we got there. I turned around so she could change into a slip and underwear.
I just had gym shorts.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I asked

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"Beautiful, isn't it?" I asked.
"Breathtaking, actually," she breathed, a peaceful expression overtaking her features. "Back home, everything is a bit more organic, like this."
"What's it like?"
"Lots of wood and green and glass," she sighed. "Water park in the back. We can actually freeze it in the winter."
"That sounds fun."
"It is," she smiled. "I make the Flatlanders pay for it, too."
"Isn't that your pack?"
"No, we are Mountain Makyas, different. My father saw to that." A devious smile formed on her lips. "He never thought we would prosper."
At that moment I realized that she and her father had barely spoken. They didn't even eat together. "What about Jiro?"
"He knew," she gave a bitter laugh. "He just couldn't do anything about it." She looked at me. "You and your parents?"
"My dad is....kinda uptight."
I had to laugh at that. Everybody knew that. "My mom is very sweet. She spent today with the pups. She loves children, definitely waiting for me to have some."
"You want kids?"
She was quiet. "Maybe. I mean, as pack leader, I feel like I already have them."
"Like Vida?"
She cast an angry glance at me, and got up.  
"Hey-hey-hey!" I caught her by the arms and swung her around. I knew she was still hurting, but I didn't think she'd react that way.
"You don't know me like that!" She tried to swat me away, but I caught her and pulled her close. "Stop it!"
She wasn't as strong as me. I held her close. She struggled, and I began to rock her. "Hey, I wanna know you, understand you, just....slow down, okay?" I felt her begin to tire. "Come on, now, come on..." She exhaled heavily. "I know you love her, Amber." She tried to choke back a sob, but didn't make it. "Cole is my beta, and I know none better. She will be well protected and loved, I promise, I swear it."
She took a deep breath and went still. I just kept holding her, and I felt her arms go around me. She nuzzled my chest, and I sighed, kissing her temple. She went still again and looked up at me.
"I-I-" She backed a step, furiously wiping her tears. She took a deep breath and was composed. "Thank you...for your understanding."
"I am your mate," I reminded. I'd just seen more than the pack leader she was, and I wished she wouldn't guard herself from me. I felt a loss.  "I'm here for you."
"I am."
"Stop saying that!"
I closed my eyes for a second. I needed to stop telling her and show her. "Want to see another favorite spot?"
I gave her a devious grin. "Follow me." I leapt into my wolf form and ran. I hadn't run twenty feet before hearing her padded footsteps behind me.
We headed back to the castle and to the lower level, where the workout room was.
We changed, got dressed, and started working out.
"I had a feeling you worked out," I smiled as she finished am impressive drill on the body bag.

 "I had a feeling you worked out," I smiled as she finished am impressive drill on the body bag

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"I'm an alpha," she huffed as she got on the row machine and started. "I need to stay in shape and it has paid off. You never know who could be after you, especially when you're a female alpha."
"Who would fight you?"
She was quiet for a moment and sighed. "Jiro."
"Jiro?!" I thought about it. "Your little brother?"
Her intensity increased on the machine, but she slowed to look at me. "Like I said, you never know."
She knew something-something that even my father didn't. It was in the glint of her eye, the set of her jaw. But she wasn't talking, at least not yet.
"Then ready we'll stay," I said, and got on the rowing machine next to her. I began to row, letting her set the pace, not wanting to fall behind or leave her, but stay in rhythm.

New Age Werewolf Series Book 1: Taming A She WolfWhere stories live. Discover now