Part 28A

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I loved how Zuri tasted. Once I began kissing her-and I loved kissing her-it was hard to stop. She arched under me, melding to me, her hands raking my skull and taking me to heights of hunger that were almost painful. 

"Dar!" Zuri's soft cry went straight down my spine, her breath in my ear. I began licking her neck, raking her dress up. "It's not the full moon is it?"

I chuckled at her. She's so damned cute. "Aw, honey, the full moon shows itself at night, but it begins much earlier." I was happy to see that this dress was a pullover. No zippers or buttons to contend with, I pulled it over her hips with ease and carelessly threw it to the floor.

I always stopped for a moment after I unclothed her. I always wanted to look over her scars, which were mostly healing nicely except for the ones done with wolfsbane, which would be permanent. Again the vow I made to myself flashed in my mind: Get Jiro. Get whoever did this to her. They had to pay. A part of me would remain in turmoil till it happened.

"Oh, Dar," she whispered softly, sadly. There was a time when I looked at her and she thought the scars made her less attractive to me, but after I told her how much it hurt to know she had been hurt and I wasn't there, she held me and told me that it wasn't my fault. "I'm alright, I'm with you now."

I rubbed my cheek against hers. My heart still ached for what she had gone through, with a sharp pain that called for vengeance. But for now, I just wanted to be with her. I remembered our first time:

I was laying there. She was fast asleep, snuggled up so close to me in a spooning position. Why did she pick that one? I realized we were both facing out into the rest of the house, toward the door, on guard. Despite her being a little dehydrated and malnutritioned, I could still feel soft muscles and curves, smell her scent mixed with the herbs I bathed her in. I sniffed her hair, and the high arousal caught me off guard. I was painfully hard, and I was trying to control it.


I closed my eyes, swallowing hard. "Sorry."

"It's--it's okay." She turned toward me. "My mother told me once that wolves are very...hungry for their mates-well, hungry, period."

"True."  What was she saying? I felt like begging her, but instead I went so still, braced for anything. She put her hand on my cheek, and I leaned into it, rubbed against it. "So, if you're my mate, it's okay?"

"If you want to, it's okay." Goddess, I wanted her. "Zuri, I want you, I can't hide it even if I wanted to."

She shook her head. "Why? Look at me."

I lifted her chin so that I could look into her eyes. "You're magnificent." She frowned at that. "What I see is a woman who is kind and soft with a beautiful smile despite all that has happened to her. I've always won, I admire that."

"You look like a winner," she said sadly. "You're beautiful and strong and kind."

If anyone else would have said that to me, I would have thought it odd, but not her. She was sincere, and her eyes lit up as if she saw me, the real me, not the best warrior in the games or  powerful beta I was known to be. My throat tightened. "You are-beautiful, strong, kind? You are, too. Which is why--" I took her hands in mine, and kissed them. "The Goddess has picked me to love and protect you." I looked into her eyes. "And though I've won or conquered to have everything, you feel like a gift-maybe the first I've gotten."

Her eyes moistened with tears as she gasped, "Why?"

"Because I did nothing to have you," I told her. "No competitions, no deals, no contests--not  success or reputation. And I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep you safe and happy, I swear it." She threw her arms around me, and her little body warmed me from head to toe despite the difference in our size. I stroked her hair as I drew her closer until there was no space between us. I was still aroused, but this closeness took the edge off my need...the pain was just an ache now...and she didn't pull away. I felt her breath against my neck, then her snuggle closer. She brushed her lips over my jugular and I gasped. She stroked one of the life's greatest rivers in me, and my hips strained against hers. "Zuri...I'm not very strong. I am, but--"

"I know you're strong, but can you be--" She locked eyes with me. "Gentle?"

"I can try." My voice was strained. She was physically fragile, but she was stronger than me at the moment though she didn't  know it. I raked my hands up her thighs, my shirt along with it. "Goddess..." I tucked her underneath me, settling between her hips with my own. "Tell me, to stop if you--"

She leaned up and kissed me. It was sweet, and truthfully, I began to wonder about her experience. Before I could ask, she put her hand on the back of my neck and drew me down for another.

I crushed her into the sheets, straining against her, silently begging her to not stop. My hands had a mind of their own. I couldn't stop touching her, stroking her, discovering her sensual secrets. She moved and gasped and arched, telling me everything I needed to learn, needed to know, about pleasing her.

"Dar!" She gasped as I stroked her. I kissed her to steady her. Then, I began tasting wherever my hands had been, finally using both until she cried my name. Her body was twisting and arching under me as if she had a fever. She did; it was called heat.

"It's okay, it's okay,"  I soothed. "You're in heat, it's okay." I watched her frown. The term is not a big deal to us wolves, but still seemed new to her. I tucked her under me again, and rocked her legs open with my hips. She yielded and sighed at the simple contact as I came up on my elbows. "Arms around me, baby...legs..." She obeyed readily, instinctively knowing I could soothe the ache inside her...the same inside of me...

"Dar!" Zuri gasped, bringing me from the memory of our first joining. She was on top of me as I sat cross-legged, her arms and legs around me. I kissed her neck, licking the month-old mark which signified her as claimed. Her heels dug into the bed as I lifted and lowered her on me, watching her head fall back in surrender, her mouth open and gasping as I kept nipping and kissing her wherever I could. But I had a goal: She'd not bitten me yet. She was strong enough, I knew as we moved together. "Mark me, babe." I growled. I intensified the rhythm. "Please!" It would signify to all who saw me that I was hers. I wanted that more than anything. It would quell all doubts to the wolf public, not to mention intensify our connection. "Zuri....AH!" I gave a moan of pleasure as I felt her teeth break my skin, our bodies release in more ways than one. I felt tears come to my eyes, and when she pulled away to look at me, I saw the same in hers.


"I'm fine, baby, I'm fine." I pulled her close for a hug. I closed my eyes as I felt her gently stroke my scalp. "In fact, better than I've ever been." And then the channels opened. I could hear so much from her...thoughts, emotions, memories...

"Why do you want me pregnant?"

"Jiro told you you were the witch?" I watched her cringe. "He said it like that? He tried to...dear Goddess I'm going to kill him!"

"Yes, he tried, but I'm safe now." She soothed, and then frowned, concerned at confused at my question. "why?"

"The witch, the woman, the wise one, and the warrior," I frowned. "He can't be trying to go after it." That was legend, that wasn't real!

"What?" She asked. "What is that stone you're seeing in your head?"

I took a deep breath to close my mind off. When I bit her, I had some access, but now that she bit me it cut both ways and more intensely. I didn't want her to worry, but... "I have some studying to do."

"Oooh, don't you do that!" Her eyes widened slightly. "Da-ar!"

She was cute when she did that. "Zurrrrrriiiii!" I whined, and kissed her forehead. "Let me be, give me a pass?" I watched her purse her lips with displeasure. "Don't ya trust me?"

She sighed, "Always."

I felt her relent. "Good." I kissed her.

New Age Werewolf Series Book 1: Taming A She Wolfحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن