Part 24: In the Woods

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Cole and I turned, startled, as Dar sank down to his knees and dug his elbows into the ground. His hands covered his ears. We looked at each other. Workmen came close, assuming Dar injured himself. Dar swatted at them, making them back away.

"What?" I dropped my end of a beam and went toward him. Cole dropped his end, and followed. "You okay?" I saw nothing near him that he could have injured himself with.

"I didn't want to do it this way," Dar growled. "Follow me."

We did. "What?" I asked. "What--"

"I need to tell you," Dar said. "I need to tell you about Amber and me."

I completely stilled. I stopped breathing. I could suddenly feel sadness from my mate. "What?"

Cole grabbed me before I leapt. "Hear him, Ian. You had lovers before her."

"I don't care!" I roared. Dar backed away, actual fear in his eyes. He probably thought I'd completely snapped. "I am paying for whatever you did!"

"Calm down, Ian!" Cole whispered. "Do you want the construction camp to hear? Your mate feels your rage! Think of her. Think of her now!"

I took deep breaths. "Explain. Quickly. Now."

"Before Jaeger died, he made me swear to protect her," Dar blurted. "We'd been sweethearts as teens, so it seemed natural to say I was her mate. I loved her."

"But not your mate," I growled. "You lied to the one you loved?" I sneered. I'd never done that to Gina. I knew she'd make a great mate, but I also had faith in the Goddess's selection and timing.  

"To protect her, yes," he nodded. "But then Jiro stepped up. It was bad, really bad. I was going to fight him, but Amber wouldn't have it. We'd been sparring and training together for years, she knew she could take him. Jaeger had no stomach for violence. She fought Jiro and kicked his ass. Then Theron gave Jiro leadership over the Makyas and sent Amber to the mountains with whomever wanted to go. I stayed." He swallowed hard. "Someone had to. I'd make a better alpha than Jiro, and I swore to Jaeger I'd do what I could if anything happened to him. I respected Jiro's wishes by staying, Theron's wishes by not challenging Jiro. Amber picked Mattie as her beta and that's how it played out."

I looked at Cole, and he at me. I was speechless. "Does Amber know this?"

"She might now," Dar bowed his head. "I'm pretty sure Zuri heard everything."

"She can hear you?"

His eyes closed briefly and reopened with unshed tears. He swallowed hard. "Yes."

"I can feel Vida's feelings, but it is when we reach out to each other," Cole told me and frowned at Dar. "You are linked like this all the time?"

"Sometimes it takes more energy to block her," Dar shook his head at us, and then raised his eyebrows at me. "I am really curious what would happen with you and Amber."

I stood straight. What would happen? Suddenly, I was a little nervous about our union. The link between wolf and mate is something I hear about, but hardly anyone-even my father-talked about. I  got the distinct feeling that there were no real rules for us, yet that was all the more reason to find out.

"Hello?" a fearful female voice called shakily.

I'd heard that voice before. No it couldn't be!

"I need help!" Gina called, her hands up in surrender. "I need asylum!"

I froze. "Not here."

Gina's eyes widened as she looked at us. I saw Dar lower his head, shaking it.

"Dar," he told himself aloud. "This just ain't your day."

"Please, I am not trying to hurt anyone, I just..." Her face crumpled as she gave way to tears.

We all looked at each other. I decided to step forward.

"Guess it was a matter of time before I came here,"  Gina shook her head ruefully. "I've been trying so hard to find a mate, get someone, because I was so scared. If I have to do the waiting game, I heard this is the place to be." She raised her face to mine, and I winced. She was hurting. "Will you help me? Will you let me stay?"

"Are you okay with the dorms?"

"A roof and bed, food to eat?" She said quickly. "And I can learn things here, learn things others won't teach me, right?" She searched my eyes hopefully. "Right?"

I frowned at her. Gina was known for being one of the most beautiful among the packs. It got  her catered to quite a bit, even by me. Now, she was hurting. Something happened, something bad. I opened my arms, and before I could rethink my gesture, she was in my arms, crying. "It's okay, Gina, it's okay. We will help you."

"You think this is wise?" Cole asked softly. Gina's eyes flared with fear, looking up at me.

"If there is room for Dar, certainly there is room for Gina."

I watched Cole's eyes widen,  his eyebrows raise. He had that 'you're on your own' look. He turned on his heel. "Well, let me take her to the dorms. My loyalty isn't in question around here."

"You'll be alright," I assured her. Gina gave me another hug, and followed Cole into the woods down a path.

"I thought you were from Wisdom," Dar said, shaking his head.

New Age Werewolf Series Book 1: Taming A She WolfWhere stories live. Discover now