Part 23: Girl's Day

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"How's motherhood?" I asked Mattie.

Mattie's rolled her green eyes. "The baby's not here yet."

"Ah, but things are different, aren't they?" I teased.

"Alright, I guess, can't wait to get out of this morning sickness phase," Mattie sighed. "Love s'mores, though, can't get enough of them."

"Aren't those Zach's favorite?"

"Yes, and this baby's, too!" Mattie laughed.

"You look beautiful, I want you to know, you're glowing."

Mattie's eyes misted as she took my hand and squeezed it. "Thanks, bestie." She was quiet for a moment, and chuckled.


"Zach just says hi, and wants to know if there are any s'mores for me today."

I laughed. "Hannah already knows that stuff, I'm sure there will be." I was used to this way of communication between Mattie and Zach. They'd been together for some time. I'd heard about it, but for some reason I never thought it would apply to me.

"So...are you two able to communicate like this yet?" When I tried to think of a good answer she sighed, "Ah, Amber."

"We feel each other's feelings."

"So you two haven't mated?"

It was my turn to roll my eyes. "No, no we haven't."

"And you are connected like that already? Wow." She shrugged in thought. "Might be because you're both alphas."

"I guess."

"Can I be your bestie and not your beta for a moment?" When I gave her the nod of approval, she slapped my shoulder. "Stop being so damned scared!"

"I just want to understand--"

"Understand? Understand?!" Mattie shook her head. "How do you feel, Amber?  What do you feel about him?"

"So much," I couldn't put it in words. "Too much." I felt Ian's concern. "Change the subject please? We're supposed to be having fun today, not doing soul searching."

"Best time for it, with your girlfriends." Mattie snapped and splashed me. "You are so infuriating!"

"But you love me." I sputtered and laughed, wiping water from my eyes.

Her look softened. "Yes, yes, I love you, Amber."

I smiled smugly. "And you're sorta lovable." I winked at her and gave her quick side arm squeeze.

Mattie laughed softly. "I'm totally lovable, ask anybody."

I watched Vida walk in with Zuri. Her eyes were wide with wonder of the spa room.

"Does everyone get to use this?" Zuri breathed.

"It's something we gift to people, or let guests of the main house use," I answered as I slipped into the Jacuzzi. "Come on."

"But there are two salons, one spa, and one full service salon in our territory," Vida added.


"Come on!" Vida helped Zuri take her robe off. There was that moment when we had to relax, control our reactions. Zuri had so many scars on her from her ordeal. I inwardly cringed in pain for her. She was looking better than when she first arrived, though. Ashamed of how she looked, and slipped quickly into the tub.

I felt a warm wave of compassion for her. Ian was feeling what I was feeling, and I felt something like an embrace. My eyes lightly misted, but I forced myself to smile.  "You're gaining weight!"

New Age Werewolf Series Book 1: Taming A She WolfWhere stories live. Discover now